Chapter 905 Two Years
For such a person, there is no need for sympathy at all.

If it weren't for accidentally kicking a hard rock like myself today, it is estimated that there will be many little girls his age who will be bullied and blackmailed in the future.So these people, if they don't suffer a little bit in the situation, they won't learn a lesson.

"We really know we are wrong, I just want to make more money, please let me live! I really don't want to go to prison, I am still young, I am not sensible, please, let us go This time! I kowtow to you!"

If she really goes to prison this time, what face will she use to meet people in the future.

Her dream is to earn a little more money, then go abroad for plastic surgery, and then marry Gao Fushuai.But once in prison, then my youth will be spent in prison, not only can't make money, but also can't get plastic surgery.Rich, rich and handsome will not marry a woman who has been in prison.

Then her life will be completely ruined!She can't accept such a fate.

"Let her stay in prison for two years, not less than a day. There are the rest, half a year." Xiao Xi'er turned her head and said to the director again.

In fact, this kind of criminal law is already considered light, and Xiao Xi'er is merciful.Otherwise, it can be more serious. Even if it is time, Qian can easily do it with means.

"No, two years... I don't want to go to jail, I don't want to, please, let me go, I really know I was wrong, I will never dare again, absolutely never again!" After two years in prison, the saleswoman hugged Xiao Xier's legs even tighter.

Let alone two years, she just didn't want to squat for two days.

"If you don't let go, it will be 20 years." Xiao Xi'er said again.I have already shown mercy, but this female shop assistant wants to take no punishment at all, so how can it be, she is not as good as the Virgin Mary.

Xiao Xi'er's words made the saleswoman let go of her hand immediately.

It was eleven o'clock when we left the police station. Xiao Xi'er and Jin Jin Weiya made an appointment to have lunch together in the western restaurant, and there was still an hour left.

Call Jin Jin Weiya and the others and tell them that the matter in the police station has been dealt with.

Jin Jin Weiya over there was not worried at first, so she didn't follow her to the police station.After all, it's Xiao Xi'er, even if there is Tangtang in addition to Xiao Xi'er, the affairs in the police station are of course not up to them.

"Yuxi, the medicine you gave me is really effective. The slap marks on my face are gone now." Sitting in Qian Yuchen's car on the way back, Gao Minmin excitedly looked at herself in the rearview mirror. s face.

Xiao Xi'er turned her head and glanced at Gao Minmin, with a slight smile on her lips, and now she has no defense against Gao Minmin. "I used the cream cream for you. Yan Bai gave it to me. It is very effective for such injuries."

"Not only can't see the marks, but it doesn't hurt anymore. In this way, I won't worry my parents and Cheng Jun when I go back." Gao Minmin held her face, smiling so that her eyes turned into crescent moons.

"Cheng Jun?" It sounded like an unfamiliar name.

"It's my boyfriend, Nam Sung Joon." Gao Minmin nodded.

Hearing Gao Minmin mention her boyfriend, Tangtang suddenly interjected and asked, "Your boyfriend? The one you brought to the banquet that day? I didn't have time to ask last time. It's the tall and handsome guy who looks very mature." right?"

(End of this chapter)

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