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Chapter 906 Show Your Love

Chapter 906 Show Your Love
"Well, it's him." Gao Minmin nodded and replied shyly.

"Although she looks a bit more mature, she is a good match for you." Tangtang said, and couldn't help but add another sentence in her heart.Of course, it is still worse than Asahi Yuu.

"It's okay, I love him very much, and he loves me very much. Although we are not in the same school, and we can't see each other every day, I still feel very happy." While talking, Gao Minmin couldn't help lowering her head , looking as if shy.

"Well, this is the best. Although I am with Yuu Asaba every day, it will be boring if we are together for too long. That guy is always acting stupid in front of me, and it feels like I am a It’s like a child’s father. It’s sweet to stick together every day, but Asagi Yuu’s IQ is simply a guy who doesn’t understand the style. Do you know what he gave me on the second anniversary of our acquaintance? Send me a two Mi Gao’s stuffed bear is still a female bear with a huge bow on her head. Do you think people with my personality would like that stuff? That guy asked me if I liked it? Saying anything, girls will like plush bears Yes, it is fatal."

After finishing speaking, Tangtang rubbed her temples helplessly.Although she was making complaints about Yu Yu Asagi, she always had a sweet smile on her face.

In Gao Minmin's view, this is basically a big show of affection in front of her, telling her how happy she and Asagi Yuu are.

The two hands hidden in his arms couldn't help but clenched into fists, and the nails were stuck in the palms, but he still had to keep a smile on his face.

Mu Tangtang, you snatched away the man who should belong to me. Without you, Qian Yuyu would definitely be mine.So you deserve death, I will definitely make your life worse than death, I will definitely...

"Yuxi, Tangtang, and Minmin, we are here!" After driving to the appointed lunch restaurant, Momo saw the car in the distance, and seeing Xiao Xi'er and the three got out of the car and entered the restaurant, she happily walked towards the restaurant. The three waved.

The restaurant has been booked out, so no matter how noisy it is, don't worry about affecting other people.

"Yu Xixi, you're finally here. Ah—brother Yu Xi is here too..." Looking at Qian Yuchen behind Xiao Xi'er, Momo couldn't help being surprised.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be back soon." Qian Yuchen looked at Momo and said.

"Well, let's stay and have lunch together, it just so happens that it's time for lunch." Yuxi's big brother!Except for the time at school, this was the second time she saw her.

It's different from Xiao Xi'er's second, third, and fourth brothers, so majestic.But the people from the shallow family are still good-looking.

"That's right, big brother, let's have lunch together." Xiao Xi'er also said, if big brother goes back at this time, he must be busy with work again, and he doesn't know when he will be able to eat lunch.

Of course Qian Yuchen would not refuse Xiao Xier's request, she nodded and said, "Okay."

Except for Qian Yuchen and Xiao Xi'er who entered the restaurant, none of them noticed that there was another person following behind...

"Mr. policeman, I'm sorry, the restaurant has been booked out, and it is closed at noon today. If you want to eat, you can only come at night." The waiter at the door stopped the man who was about to follow the restaurant and said.Judging by the police uniform he was wearing, he should be a policeman or something.

(End of this chapter)

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