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Chapter 907 Face Change

Chapter 907 Face Change
"Oh, I'm not here for dinner. I'm here to find someone. Those who went in just now. I have something to ask them. Can you let me in?" The policeman pointed at Xiao Xi'er passing the stairs on the second floor. The mouth has entered the upstairs box and said.

The person who came was Xiao Yang. He wanted to apologize. Of course, he was more frightened by what Xiao Xier said later, and he came to hope that the Qianshi people would let him go.

"This..." The waiter was a little hesitant. It stands to reason that since the restaurant has been booked, no one without a reservation can be allowed in, but the person in front of him is a policeman, and the police are not easy to stop...

"Please let me in, I have something very important to find inside." Xiao Yang begged repeatedly.

Looking at Xiao Yang's serious appearance, he thought there was really something important.The waiter thought about it for a while, and had to give way to someone: "Okay, since you're a policeman, I'll let you in."

"Thank you!" With permission, Xiao Yang immediately ran towards that box.

"Why does it take so long to go to the police station? I thought it could be done in half an hour at most." Seeing Xiao Xier and the others coming, Wei Ya got up to give Xiao Xier a seat, and was puzzled asked.

"Originally, it could be finished in half an hour, but I encountered a troublesome little policeman, so I stayed to watch the surveillance." Xiao Xier sat down in the empty seat and replied indifferently.After answering, he turned his face and said to the waiter beside him, "Please give me a cup of hot water, thank you."

"Okay." The waiter nodded, and quickly poured Xiao Xi'er a cup of hot water.

He tried the temperature and found it wasn't too hot, then poured hot water on his hands and applied it to his face, the mask fell off Xiao Xi'er's face in an instant.From the original face of ordinary people, it suddenly became a stunning beauty.

"Ah, it's much more comfortable. As expected, it's most comfortable to use your own face." Although this kind of mask didn't have any side effects, Xiao Xi'er always felt that wearing a mask was boring.

Put the mask aside and use it again after you finish your meal.

"Ash, Asahi Nozomi..."

The moment Xiao Xi'er took off her mask was also the moment Jiang Yang opened the door of the box.Seeing that ordinary face turned into the face of the young lady of the Asa family, Nozomi Asaba, it was almost like a magic trick.

That girl turned out to be Nozomi Asaba!
She was called Big Brother Qian Yuchen before, because Qian Yuchen was really a big brother, not because of her lover.

"It's you troublesome policeman again, who actually came here with you." The policeman who appeared out of nowhere happened to see her taking off her mask again, and Xiao Xi'er's mood was slightly ruined.

"Yu Xi, he is the troublesome little policeman you are talking about." Wei Ya looked at the little policeman at the door and said.

And at this time, the little policeman also noticed that everyone in the box at the moment, including Lan Weiya and Wei Jinjin...

It feels like I came at the wrong time.

"Is something wrong?" Xiao Xier asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm here to apologize. I didn't have time to apologize properly just now, I misunderstood you, please forgive me." Xiao Yang bent down, looking sincerely apologetic.

"Make it clear whether you are here to apologize or to beg for mercy."

(End of this chapter)

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