Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1007 She is going to find her from heaven to earth!

Chapter 1007 Go to heaven and earth to find her back!
Zhao Wenhe didn't stay long in the yang world, he took the soul lock bottle containing Si Kou Yao's soul and her body, and went straight back to the Western Imperial Palace in the ghost world.

He is very confident, even if Si Kou Yu and Xiao Chifeng know that he did it, so what?

With their strength alone, they couldn't shake him at all.

Thinking that he would get the beauty Si Kou Yao soon, Zhao Wenhe couldn't help laughing wildly, hahahahaha...

When Si Kouyao's soul was detained, Xiao Chifeng, who had just returned to the Seven Star Garden through the fairy mountain teleportation array, felt a twinge in his heart instantly.

The next moment, the sympathy in his brain sensed that Si Kou Yao's life was being threatened.

Yao'er is in danger! ! !
Xiao Chifeng didn't have time to think about it, and immediately passed the teleportation array again, and returned to Xianshan in an instant.

As soon as he arrived at Xianshan, he let go of his mental power to search for Si Kouyao's breath and existence.

It's a pity that after searching all over Xianshan, he couldn't see Si Kouyao's figure.

Xiao Chifeng hurriedly went to find Si Kou Yu and Na Lanyan again, and asked them anxiously, "Dad, Mom, have you seen Yao'er?"

Si Kou Yu and Na Lanyan shook their heads at the same time, and asked at the same time, "No, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

Xiao Chifeng's heart sank, "I sensed something happened to Yao'er just now!"

When Si Kou Yu heard what Xiao Chifeng said, his expression changed instantly, "Is something wrong with Yao'er? Are you sure?"

Xiao Chifeng nodded vigorously, "I'm sure! Dad, Yao'er and I have formed a sympathetic bond. We can sense each other's existence and safety. Just now I sensed that Yao'er's life is in danger."

Si Kou Yu immediately asked again, "Then what is your feeling now?"

Xiao Chifeng sensed it carefully before replying, "I can only sense that Yao'er is still alive, but what exactly is it like? I don't know!"

Both Si Kou Yu and Nalan Yan remembered what ancestor Hongjun had said to them at this moment:
"The secret must not be leaked! Ah Yu, take Yan'er to the lower realm! Reunite with Yao'er and the others. Next, your family may have to face some ups and downs brought by the immortal emperor and ghost emperor. "

The ups and downs brought by the immortal emperor and the ghost emperor! ! !

Is it their hand? ? ?

Si Kou Yu closed his eyes in pain...

Nalanyan also covered her mouth, tears streaming down her face instantly...

None of them thought that the revenge of the Immortal Emperor and Ghost Emperor would come so soon!
Their Yao'er was the first to be affected!

As soon as Xiao Chifeng saw the expressions of Si Kou Yu and Na Lanyan, he knew what they might know.

He asked anxiously, "Dad, Mom, what happened to Yao'er? Do you know anything? Do you know who did it?"

Si Kou Yu sighed softly, "Achi, if the ancestor's prediction is correct, Yao'er should have been captured by the Immortal Emperor or Ghost Emperor!"

Xiao Chifeng's heart jumped, and he asked anxiously, "The prophecy of the ancestor? What did the ancestor say?"

Si Kouyu first briefly explained how he angered the Immortal Emperor and Ghost Emperor, and then repeated to Xiao Chifeng what the ancestor Hongjun had said to him before.

Xiao Chifeng felt cold all over in an instant, "Father, do you mean that Yao'er may suffer some hardships because of this?"

Si Kou Yu nodded with a painful face.

A flash of determination suddenly flashed in Xiao Chifeng's eyes, and he said sonorously and forcefully to Si Kou Yu, "Whether it's going to heaven or going to earth, daddy, I will get Yao'er back!"

 PS: 8 updates are complete, please ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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