Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1008 Patriarch Chiguoguo's Protection

Chapter 1008 Patriarch Chiguoguo's Protection
His and Yao'er's lives are tied together!

She gave birth, he gave birth;
If she dies, he will die too.

Whoever dares to snatch Yao'er from him will be tantamount to killing him!
In order to save his and Yao'er's lives, even if he is an immortal emperor in the sky or an underground ghost emperor, he still meets immortals and kills immortals, ghosts and ghosts!
He will do his best!

Even if he died, he would never regret it!
When Si Kou Yu heard Xiao Chifeng's words, a hint of admiration flashed in his eyes.

He patted Xiao Chifeng's shoulder vigorously, "Achi, you are a good boy! Don't worry, I will ask the ancestor how to deal with this matter."

Xiao Chifeng nodded, "Okay!"

Si Kou Yu immediately took out his communicator and directly connected to the special number of Hongjun Patriarch.

As soon as the communicator was connected, the kind face of the ancestor Hongjun appeared in front of them.

The ancestor didn't wait for Si Kou Yu to speak, and asked directly, "Ayu, did something happen to Yao'er?"

When Si Kou Yu saw the ancestor, it was like seeing his father, and when he heard the ancestor's concern, he couldn't help feeling a little sore.

He said in a hoarse voice, "Yes, Patriarch, we want to confirm with you, is Yaoer now in the hands of the Immortal Emperor or the Ghost Emperor?"

Ancestor Hongjun's eyes were slightly cold, "She is now in the hands of the Ghost Emperor! What are you going to do?"

A murderous look erupted from Si Kou Yu's body, "Since it is in the hands of the Ghost Emperor, we will naturally go to the Ghost Realm! Get Yao'er back!"

Ancestor Hongjun said in a cool tone, "It's time to find Yao'er. The people in our Ancestral Hall should not be underestimated! Ayu, there is an artifact in the storage ring I gave you Soul Suppressing Seal, that is specially designed to deal with ghost cultivators, you can leapfrog to challenge the Ghost Emperor if you hold the Soul Suppressing Seal, as long as you do your best, you can kill him!!!"

When Si Kou Yu heard what the ancestor said, he was immediately refreshed, knelt down towards the ancestor, and kowtowed gratefully, "The disciple understands! Thank you for the love of the ancestor!"

Although the old ancestor said that he would not help them, but the old man who protected his shortcomings really saw Yao'er being arrested, so he is not as anxious to help now.

His old man had prepared the soul-suppressing seal early in the morning, so he had foreseen that they would have such a day, right?

Ancestor Hongjun looked at him kindly, and said gently, "Ayu, you have to remember that you and your family are members of His Highness our Ancestor, and when you go out, you will represent our Ancestor Hall, regardless of Whoever you meet, beat the one who should be beaten, and kill whoever should be killed, and we can't weaken the reputation of our ancestor hall, understand?"

This is Chi Guoguo's defense! ! !
Si Kou Yuhong responded, "Disciple understands! Disciple swears that we will not dishonor the reputation of our ancestor hall!"

Ancestor Hongjun waved his hand, "Okay, let's go!"

After speaking, the figure of the ancestor disappeared instantly.

After putting away the communicator, Si Kouyu suddenly thought of the five babies, and asked Xiao Chifeng, "Achi, if we want to fight, what about the children? How do you plan to arrange it?"


Xiao Chifeng's expression changed, "Yao'er sent me out this morning, and the five little guys are still in her space, they haven't come out..."

The faces of Si Kou Yu and Na Lanyan also changed, and they asked him with trembling voices, "You mean... those children are in the space now, and they are also tied to Yao'er's soul?"

If Yao'er really had an accident, he would die with her!

What about the five children in the space?

Will they die together like their husband and wife?
When Xiao Chifeng thought of this possibility, all the hairs on his body stood on end.

 9 more!
(End of this chapter)

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