Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1020 Dismissed by the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1020 Dismissed by the Immortal Emperor


Facing the angry Immortal Emperor Leng Qingjue, he still looked lazy and casual, without any trace of fear.

The Immortal Emperor glared at him angrily, and when he saw his appearance that didn't seem to care about anything, he felt disgusted and wanted to tear his irritating handsome face to pieces.

But he is an immortal emperor, so he can't be so rude.

He could only hold back, and reprimanded Leng Qingjue angrily, "Leng Qingjue, don't just rely on being my relative and do whatever you want. As the person in charge of the Space-Time Management Bureau, you are using your power for personal gain, and you are always using your official duties to benefit others. , and wandering around all day long, I want to remind you, it’s best to restrain yourself, don’t care about things you shouldn’t care about; don’t meet people you shouldn’t see, and don’t force me to treat you badly!”

Leng Qingjue smiled faintly, "Please excuse my ignorance, I didn't understand what your majesty meant, what are these things that I shouldn't be in charge of, but I did? Who are the people I shouldn't meet, but I did? Your Majesty, please clarify."

The Immortal Emperor was pushed back by him, and he was so angry that he was about to vomit blood.

A trace of coldness flashed across his eyes, and he said with a trace of hatred, "Qing Jue, I know that you and Si Kou Yu are good friends, but you should know that he killed your cousin and indirectly killed your own aunt." , he is our enemy, but not only did you not help us to avenge our hatred, you even went to the ghost world to help him deal with the ghost emperor, do you treat us as relatives?"

Leng Qingjue's eyes turned cold, he put away his habitual smile, and replied in a deep voice, "Your Majesty, Si Luo and Auntie died unfortunately, and I feel sad and sad for them too, but why did they end up like this? His majesty must be very clear about the end."

When the Immortal Emperor heard his words, his well-maintained face twisted ugly with anger.

Leng Qingjue chuckled, and continued to say to him: "Your Majesty has been in charge of the Immortal Palace for countless years, and you should be able to see through causality better than anyone else. Why are you still so worried about this matter and unwilling to let go? Could it be that your Majesty Aren't you afraid that if you continue to be so obsessed with obsession, you will end up like Si Luo and Auntie?"

Immortal Emperor slapped the table and became furious, pointed at Leng Qingjue, and roared loudly, "Leng Qingjue, you are presumptuous!"

Leng Qingjue was still fearless, and said calmly, "Your Majesty, please appease your anger! As the saying goes, loyal words are harsh to the ear! I say this, and I sincerely do it for the good of Your Majesty!"

The Immortal Emperor sneered twice, "Okay! Very good! Since you are so considerate of me, then hand over the power of the Time and Space Management Bureau! I see that you are also bored, so go and guard the demon city for me. !"

Fumo City is the place where it borders the demon world, and the entrance and exit passages between the fairy and demon worlds are also there.

That place is extremely desolate, except for the heavenly soldiers and generals stationed there, there are few people.

The Immortal Emperor took back his power as the head of the Space-Time Management Bureau, and sent him there to guard Fumo City. This is really punishing him severely!
Leng Qingjue said with a faint smile, "I hope His Majesty will not regret it!"

The Immortal Emperor sneered, "If I say what I say, I will never regret it!"

Leng Qingjue saw that the Immortal Emperor was so heartless and obsessed with obsession, so he no longer had any expectations of him.

He handed over the power order of the Space-Time Administration, and left the Asgard in a cool manner.

Looking up at the blue sky, he was deserted but raised a charming smile.

"Fu Mocheng? Well, it's not bad to go there for vacation!"

(End of this chapter)

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