Chapter 1021 Plane Sin City
At this moment, Si Kouyao, who Si Kou Yu and Xiao Chifeng were thinking of, was looking at Xiao Xiao with a dumbfounded face, and asked in a trembling voice, "Xiao Xiao, what did you just say? I didn't hear clearly, please say it again!"

Xiao Xiao couldn't bear to see her expression of shock, fear and unwillingness to believe.

But she finally repeated in a low voice, "Master, we fell into the space-time rift that Zhao Wenhe tore when he blew himself up. Now we are no longer in the ghost world, and we don't know where we fell."

Si Kouyao took a deep breath, and then asked her again, "Can't you use the search and collection function now?"

Xiao Xiao shook his head, "The energy wave from Zhao Wenhe's self-explosion was too powerful, and we happened to be on his body. The system was damaged in many places. Now the system is still in the process of self-repair, and it may take a while. No good..."

Si Kouyao asked anxiously again, "Then can I get in touch with Uncle Leng?"

Xiao Xiao shook her head again, "No! We can't send or receive messages now. We have completely cut off contact with other people in the system this time."

Si Kou Yao sighed softly, "Then what should we do? How should we go back?"

Feeling Si Kouyao's irritable mood, Xiaoxiao quickly persuaded, "Master, don't be angry! The more you are at this time, the more calm you are! Let's think of a solution slowly, and we will always find a solution!"

Si Kou Yao let out a breath of depression slowly, looked at Xiao Xiao, and sighed softly, "You are right! I should calm down and think of a way, sooner or later I will find a way!"

At this moment, Xiao Xiao suddenly exclaimed, "Master, master, look quickly, the system has issued a task for you again!!!"

Si Kouyao was also surprised, "Another mission? Let me see, what kind of mission is it?"

Since the last mission on the Alliance planet, this system has not issued any more missions.

Why did he give her a mission at this time again?Is there any related mystery in this?

Si Kou Yao looked anxiously at the big virtual screen, only to see the display on it: The system issued an urgent task: [2000 meters ahead is the city of sin in the plane, and the people contained in it are the most heinous people in the whole plane, please The host mobilizes your wisdom and kindness to save and conquer these human beings!After the task is completed, [-] million face coins plus [-] million merit points will be rewarded, and a chance to return to Earth will be provided once.Do you accept the task? 】

As soon as Si Kouyao saw the opportunity to return to Earth, her eyes lit up, and she pressed "Accept" without even thinking about it!
She now understands that every step she takes now seems to be pushed forward by someone. Even if she came here, it must be arranged by God, right?

This God really tortures people!
She had just been reunited with her father and mother for a day, when she was taken captive by Zhao Wenhe to the ghost world, and then fell into the rift of time and space.

Now the family has to be separated again, and they have to wait for her to finish the task before they can reunite.

What if she can't complete the task?Is it because she will never go back for the rest of her life?
God, you are too cheating on me!
Just as Si Kouyao thought about it, she heard an angry shout in her mind, "Nonsense! You girl, this is a mission entrusted to you by the heavens. You just have to do it well. If you do it well, it will naturally benefit you. What are you complaining about?"

 PS: There are 6 chapters in a row, don't miss it~ Dear friends, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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