Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1022 The big man who can't be provoked

Chapter 1022 The big man who can't be provoked

Hearing this familiar voice, Si Kou Yao suddenly shouted in surprise, "Ancestor, it is you! Well, since it is your order, then Yao'er will work obediently, and strive to complete the task as soon as possible. Return to Earth to reunite with my father, my mother, and Achi."

The old ancestor chuckled, "You are right to think so! Do it well, and you will have a big surprise when the task is completed!"

Si Kou Yao's eyes lit up, "What big surprise? Patriarch, can you tell me in advance?"

The ancestor chuckled mischievously, "No way!"

Si Kou Yao pursed her lips and said coquettishly, "Old Ancestor, you are teasing me!"

It's rare for the ancestor to be in the mood to joke with her, "I'm just teasing you, what's wrong?"

Si Kou Yao raised her hands in surrender, "Okay, okay, the ancestor is just kidding me, so I admit it, okay?"

The ancestor laughed loudly, "Hahahaha, do it well! Little girl, the ancestor is leaving!"

"Old Ancestor, go slowly!"

Sensing that the ancestor had left, Si Kouyao sighed, "Okay! Since you're here, please be safe, and I'll accept my fate and work!"

Si Kouyao flashed back to the courtyard in the space, first fed her little fan, and then told the four big babies to keep an eye on the little fan, and then she flashed out of the space.

Si Kouyao is now blind to the city of sin mentioned in the mission, and doesn't know anything.

When she was worrying, Si Kouyao heard a little surprised voice in her mind, "Master, the information on Sin City is here!"

Si Kou Yao immediately said, "Quickly pass it on to me!"

Xiao Xiao replied, "Yes!" and quickly transferred the new information that appeared in the system into Si Kou Yao's brain.

The City of Sin is also known as the City of Punishment and the City of Abandonment.

The people who live here are all the most evil people in the three thousand planes. After being arrested by the plane patrol, they are sent here to accept the most severe, painful, and grievous punishment in history. Those extremely evil people kill each other here, and the fittest survive.

And the extremely evil people who can survive will become even worse and more terrifying.

In Sin City, there are three major forces.

Plane Police Station, Extreme Evil Palace, Thieves Heaven Group.

As the name suggests, the Dimensional Police Department is a department sent by the upper world to maintain order in Sin City, representing the square.

The highest officer of the Dimensional Police Station, named Zhan Jundong, is thirty years old, cultivated in the real fairyland, has a strong combat power, and has few enemies.

He was originally a general of heaven, but because he offended Yang Hao, the general of heaven, he was demoted to this city of sin.

The Hall of Extreme Evil is made up of villains from here. The leader is Hu Buwei, who is forty years old, and his cultivation is at the seventh level of the Composite Realm.

The only person Hu Buwei is afraid of is Zhan Jundong, the head of the plane police station.

Thieves, robbers, doctors, feng shui masters, physiognomy masters, actors, beggars, prostitutes... There are really everyone in the Thief group.

The head of Thief Sky Group is named Fei Ying.

It is said that this person comes and goes without a trace, and no one can catch him.

He is also an aborigine of Sin City and knows the whole Sin City like the back of his hand.

He doesn't seem to have any threatening power, and I haven't heard that he has much fighting power, but anyone who offends him has never ended well.

After reading these materials, Si Kouyao sighed inwardly, for her who is only in the Foundation Establishment Realm, these are all great figures who cannot be offended!
How would she conquer them and make them submit to her?

(End of this chapter)

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