Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1023 Si Kou Yao made a high-profile appearance

Chapter 1023 Si Kou Yao made a high-profile appearance

Let's take a look at the city first, and find out the situation in the city before we talk!

Thinking of this, Si Kou Yao summoned the old Jiao, and accompanied by the old Jiao, walked towards the city of sin.

As Si Kouyao walked, he looked at the environment of the sinful city.

Although the city of sin is called a city, its scope is larger than the entire Huatian Empire.

Moreover, there are not only high technology, but also cultivation and ancient martial arts. There are hovering cars flying in the air, and there are also people flying around on flying swords.

Not only are the people complex here, but everything is complex.

It is like a big melting pot of planes, evil people from various planes are sent here, and these evil people bring technology and things from their own planes to this city.

The City of Sin has stirred everything inside into a potpourri that is endlessly memorable. It depends on who has a big appetite, who can eat it, and eat a lot.

Sin City has a population of 15 billion.

Where Si Kou Yao is now is the main city of Sin City.

The main city has the largest place and the most people, with nearly [-] million people living here.

The headquarters of the three major forces are also in this main city.

The city wall of the main city is 35 meters high and 28 meters wide. The top of the wall is very flat and open, with archery towers, gun towers, enemy towers, octagonal towers and so on.

In front of the city wall is a wide moat.

On the top of the huge city gate, there are only two words written simply - the main city.

Since the city of sin is a city used to punish villains from the plane, it will naturally not be a place with beautiful scenery.

Most of the land here is barren, unable to grow living food, and the surrounding area is gray at a glance, without any greenery.

Danger, killing, hunger and poverty are everywhere here.

There are only two sources of food for people here to live on——Wan Beast Mountain and Wan Beast Sea.

The food in these two places is very rich. There are not only wild animals in Wanshou Mountain, but also fruits, herbs and so on.

In addition to a variety of rich seafood, Wanshouhai also has a lot of sea vegetables, such as seaweed, kelp, sea cabbage, sea fungus, seaweed and so on.

But there are many dangers in these two places. There are many fierce beasts lurking in the Sea of ​​Thousand Beasts and the Mountain of Thousand Beasts.

When Si Kouyao brought Lao Jiao into the main city, he did not disguise himself.

If she wants to become famous in the main city as soon as possible, if she wants to conquer others, and if she wants others to follow her willingly, then she has to make a high-profile appearance and make a big name in the shortest possible time.

Although her current cultivation base is not high, but she has a lot of background!
Not to mention that she has this old Jiao who has soared to the ninth Mahayana stage by her side, and there are four super powerful big babies, as well as the Qingxu Beast King, and the army of spirit beasts on Lingshan ...

Who dares to mess with her?That's really courting death!

In a place full of crimes like the City of Sin, when a glamorous and luxurious woman like Si Kou Yao walks in, it's like a big fat sheep walking into a slaughterhouse, with green eyes, everyone is greedy for her, and can't wait to see her. Immediately take her apart, and then dismantle her to the bone.

Of course, both Si Kouyao and Lao Jiao sensed the curiosity and malice of the people around her.

But she didn't care at all.

Si Kouyao even hoped that someone with no eyesight would appear soon to trouble her, so that she could beat her up, kill her, and establish her prestige, so that she could spread her fame!

(End of this chapter)

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