Chapter 1024 Simple!rough!Cool!

Make a high-profile appearance and kill with one hit!

Simple!rough!Cool!This is the fastest way to fame!

Si Kouyao doesn't have so much time to play low-key with them, she is eager to finish the task quickly, go home quickly, and reunite with her family quickly.

And Sin City is not a place that will disappoint her.

She and Lao Jiao hadn't stepped into the city yet, and just crossed the moat bridge, they were stopped by a group of disheveled men, "Stop!"

Si Kou Yao raised her eyes to look at the leader. The clothes on her body looked like beggars' clothes, her long hair was messed up, dirty and knotted, and her face was dark, with no facial features visible. With a careless expression, he was looking up and down at Si Kou Yao unscrupulously.

Seeing that he was so rude, Lao Jiao wanted to deal with him, but was stopped by Si Kouyao.

She said to Lao Jiao through voice transmission, "Don't be in a hurry to make a move. The other party dares to attack here at the gate of the main city. They must have something to rely on. Let's see which force they are from?"


Si Kou Yao raised her eyes lightly to look at the man in the lead, and asked softly, "What do you want to do, Your Excellency?"

The man at the head sneered, "Keep the money! Spare your life!"

Si Kou Yao looked at him with a smile, and then asked softly, "Are you sure?"

The man was swept away by Si Kouyao's gaze, and suddenly felt a chill all over, and then repeated with his neck choked, "Didn't you understand? Keep the money! Spare your life!"

Si Kouyao asked him directly, "Which faction are you from? The Heaven Thief Group? Or the Palace of Extreme Evil?"

The man smiled proudly, "Hey, since you still know about our Heaven Thief Group! Well, for this sake, I will leave half of the money for you, and hand over half of your money!"

Si Kou Yao shook her finger at him, "No! I won't give you a dime!"

The man's expression changed instantly, "You bitch, how dare you play me? Look at me..."

Before he finished speaking, everyone heard a "cracking" sound.

The next moment, everyone saw that the man who scolded Si Kou Yao had already flown out, and it was unknown whether he was alive or dead.

His companion exclaimed in shock, "Boss, boss, boss..."

Si Kou Yao and Lao Jiao slowly glanced around with their icy eyes.

Those people instantly sensed the danger, and quickly backed away with fear on their faces, for fear that Lao Jiao's big slap would accidentally slap them.

Si Kouyao and Lao Jiao walked to the gate of the city smoothly, but were stopped by the guards guarding the gate, "Stop!"

Si Kou Yao raised her eyes coldly and glanced at the guard.

The guard suddenly felt a chill all over, and his voice weakened, "Everyone needs to pay a silver coin to enter the main city."

Si Kou Yao casually took out a silver ingot of five taels from the space and threw it to him, "I'll reward you a lot!"

When the guard saw the five taels of silver ingots, he immediately burst into joy. He changed his arrogance just now, smiled flatteringly and nodded at Si Kouyao, "Fairy, go slowly! Go slowly!"

The currency commonly used in Sin City is also gold, silver, and copper coins.

1 gold coin = 10 silver coins = 1000 copper coins.

When Si Kouyao traveled between different planes before, she collected a lot of gold and silver jewelry, antique calligraphy and paintings, jade wares, etc. in her space. It is not an exaggeration to say that she has mountains of gold and silver.

Gold and silver are basically common goods for all planes.

No matter which plane you are in, as long as you have these two things, you don't have to worry about running out of money.

(End of this chapter)

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