Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1027 The Chief Executive is Cool and Handsome!

Chapter 1027 The Chief Executive is Cool and Handsome!

At this time, the man Si Kouyao thought was strange——Song Changqing was reporting today's events to Feiying, the head of Pirates of Heaven.

After finishing speaking, Song Changqing said seriously, "Feiying, I think this Si Kou Yao is not simple. A follower beside her has a cultivation level that even I can't see through. Moreover, she appeared in the main city so high-profile. Picking up our Pirates Group to challenge without fear, what do you think her purpose is?"

The man sitting on the brocade couch had a pale and bloodless face, and looked like a sick and weak man.

He is the head of Pirates of Heaven——Fei Ying.

Feeling itchy throat, Feiying covered his mouth and coughed a few times before he said softly, "I'll go meet her tomorrow too, if I can win a peerless powerhouse into the group at the price of a cloud treading tower, For us, it’s a good deal.”

Song Changqing also smiled and said, "I think so too, so shall we go there together tomorrow?"


Fei Ying ordered him again, "Changqing, you will invite Zhan Jundong first, and then invite Mr. Pei, Mr. Rong, and the ghost doctor, and invite them to attend tomorrow's gluttonous feast! As long as there is something good to eat, their Some foodies will definitely come! You know what to tell them, right?"

Song Changqing nodded and smiled, "I know."

Feiying smiled slightly, "Then you go! Thank you for your hard work!"

Song Changqing looked at his weak body, and a trace of pity flashed in his eyes, "We are all brothers, why bother to say such kind words?"

Feiying gave a light "um" and waved at him.

Song Changqing bowed his hands and gave him a salute before retreating.

The two of them were orphans who grew up together, depended on each other, always led by the resourceful Fei Ying, and Song Changqing ran errands and worked.

After being brothers for so many years, their feelings for each other have already penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and they are closer than brothers.

But Feiying's body was seriously injured in an accident, and then became weaker and weaker. No matter how much money they spent and how many doctors they hired, they couldn't control his body from going in the direction of weakness.

The ghost doctor Baili Qianbei once asserted, "I'm afraid Captain Fei won't live for three years."

Only Feiying, him, and the ghost doctor Baili Qianbei knew about this news.

If this news is leaked out, the members of their Heaven Thief Group will be in danger.

If something happened to the head of the group, Hu Buwei, the damn master of the extremely evil hall, would definitely try his best to embezzle the property under the name of their Heaven Thief Group and annex their Heaven Thief Group.

Song Changqing was always worried, deeply afraid that one day he would hear bad news that he didn't want to hear.

After Song Changqing went out, he directly started the hovering speed car and flew towards the plane police station.

The Plane Police Station is not too far from the headquarters of their Heaven Thieves Group. It takes about 10 minutes to drive on the hovering speed car.

When the gatekeeper saw that it was Song Changqing, the deputy head of Thief Heaven Group, he quickly called inside to ask for instructions.

Hearing that Song Changqing was allowed to go in, the gatekeeper let Song Changqing in with a smile on his face.

Song Changqing parked the flying car in the parking lot, and then walked towards Zhan Jundong's office.

Zhan Jundong, with a height of 1.9 meters, has a burly figure, tall and strong.

His face was resolute, and his facial features were as sharp as knives and axes, revealing a vicious and domineering look.

A pair of black eyes that are as sharp as a goshawk, when staring at you, you will feel your scalp go numb, and you dare not look at him.

He is the supreme officer of this city of sin!
(End of this chapter)

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