Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1028 What can I use to conquer them?

Chapter 1028 What can I use to conquer them?

Zhan Jundong was sitting on the sofa with his legs up, smoking a big cigar there.

Seeing Song Changqing coming in, his eyes flickered slightly, and he teased him in a joking tone, "Hey, what kind of wind is blowing today, that it brought you, a busy person, to my place?"

Song Changqing smiled lightly, sat down on the lower left side of him, and said with a smile, "This time, I really didn't go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing. Something happened today. There was a woman who was as beautiful as a country and a city, outside the city gate. Beat up the people under our Pirates Group, and then went to Tayunlou to fight posts, saying that our food in Tayunlou is worse than that of pigs, she wants to compete with us in cooking, the bet is that she pays 100 million gold coins, we Go out of the Cloud Stepping Tower..."

Zhan Jundong chuckled, "This woman is quite interesting! She has taken a fancy to you in Tayun Tower? Then what do you say?"

Song Changqing smiled, "Everyone is calling, of course we have to fight! So, I am not here to invite you, the chief officer, but I must take some time tomorrow to help us be a witness and a food judge , with your appreciation of food, you are absolutely capable, right?"

Zhan Jundong sneered, "You don't have to provoke me, just go to this woman, I'll go over and have a look to see who this is? How dare you come to our sinful city to act wildly? You really have the guts !"

Hearing what Zhan Jundong said, Song Changqing was relieved.

He stood up and cupped his hands towards Zhan Jundong, "Then thank you, Commander Zhan, I have to go and inform Mr. Pei, Mr. Rong, Ghost Doctor and their seniors, so I will bid farewell first!"

Zhan Jundong stretched out his hand slightly, "Please go ahead!"

In fact, since Si Kouyao made such a fuss at the gate of the city, her matter was reported to Zhan Jundong.

It's just that this kind of petty trouble is not worthy of his attention.

It wasn't until Song Changqing said just now that Zhan Jundong's interest in Si Kouyao was adjusted.

He always had a feeling that this woman was a bad comer!The good will not come!
Since she wants to do something, and she wants to make it such a big deal, and everyone knows it, then he will give her face and see what she will do!
If this woman really came here to die, then he will definitely fulfill her!

Afterwards, Song Changqing went to Mr. Pei, Mr. Rong, and the ghost doctor Baili Qianbei, and solemnly invited them to come forward as a notary and judge according to what was said just now.

These three old men were all influential figures in Sin City back then.

Even though they have abdicated now, the family they created is still well-known in the city of sin.

Although their family power may not be as powerful as the three major powers, they rank among the top three among the major families.

Fei Ying also knows that these few have no other hobbies, the only hobby is eating and drinking!

Eating the best food and drinking the best wine, this is the pursuit of these three old men in their later years!

Therefore, Feiying was sure that after hearing Song Changqing's words, they would definitely agree to be their notary and judge for this competition.

And the fact is just as Fei Ying expected, when the three old men heard what Song Changqing said, they became very interested in Si Kou Yao who made a high-profile appearance just like Zhan Jundong.

They also want to see, what kind of skills and what kind of delicious food can this crazy little girl show to conquer their mouths that have been raised for a long time?

(End of this chapter)

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