Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1029 Who Is The Real Master Chef 1

Chapter 1029 Who Is The Real Master Chef 1
After Song Changqing invited these big names, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Now everything is ready, just waiting for tomorrow's good show to play.

And the news that Tayunlou was kicked out, and a beautiful woman wanted to challenge the chef of Tayunlou to a food competition, spread throughout the entire Sin City in the blink of an eye.

the next day.

Early in the morning, the surroundings of the Tayun Tower were crowded with people waiting to see the excitement, and only a small path leading to the Tayun Tower was left in the middle for people to enter and exit.

At the gate of Tayun Building, two high-tech gas stoves have been set up, and the ingredients such as oil, salt, sauce and vinegar have also been placed aside, just waiting for the two contestants to arrive and show off their skills .

The ordinary people who came to occupy their seats early in the morning were also whispering and discussing.

"I heard that the person who came to challenge Tayun Tower today is a beautiful woman!"

"Tch, I already knew. I saw this beauty with my own eyes yesterday. By the way, this beauty is really beautiful. Once people see her, they will never forget her..."

"Is it really that beautiful?"

"Of course it's true! I saw it with my own eyes yesterday!"

"Wow, then for such a great beauty, if she is able to marry a man who is a chef, wouldn't she die of happiness?"

"Isn't it! If I can marry a woman half as good as her, I will be satisfied."

"Me too……"

"Me too……"

"Oh, look, our chief officer is here!"

"Oh, Mr. Pei and Mr. Rong are here!"

"There is also the ghost doctor, look, the ghost doctor is here too!"

"Oh my god! Today's battle is really big!"

"Hahaha, fortunately, I came here early today to reserve a seat, otherwise, how could I get such a good seat and see so much excitement!"

"Hahaha, brother, I'm the same as you..."

"Don't make a noise, don't make a noise, look, Song Changqing, the deputy head of the Pirates of Heaven, is here too!"

"Wow! The Lord of the Extreme Evil Palace is also here. The two of them are deadly rivals. I haven't heard that the Lord of the Extreme Evil Palace has been invited. Could it be that he came here uninvited?"

"My God, nothing will happen today, will it?"

"You crow mouth, bah bah bah, nothing will happen!"

"Hey, the notaries and referees are all seated, what about the two contestants? Why haven't they come out yet?"

"Hey, the beauty is here! Naturally, she has to put on airs, how can she be seen by you so easily! She must not appear until the end!"

"Here, come out, look, isn't that big beauty?"

Everyone raised their eyes to look at the gate of Tayun Building.

I saw a woman wearing a lavender palace gauze dress slowly walking out.

Her skin is like snow, her eyes are like night stars, her lips are like cherry blossoms, and she smiles slightly, like thousands of stars blooming in front of everyone's eyes.

"Wow! It's really beautiful..."

"If I can marry such a woman, even if I have to die now, I am willing!"

"God, please give her to me!!!"

"Go dreaming!!!"

While the crowd was chattering, Si Kouyao and Tayunlou's chef Zhang Guoyan had already taken their seats.

Song Changqing stood up, summoned up his true energy, and said loudly to everyone, "Today is our big day for Tayun Tower, this fairy named Si Kouyao is here to challenge our famous chef, Master Zhang, please let me know next." This Fairy Yao and our Master Zhang cooked ten dishes on the spot, let us all make a review and see them, who is the real chef?"

 PS: 6 chapters in a row, good night, thank you for the rewards and votes, dear~
(End of this chapter)

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