Chapter 1053
Just when people were expressing infinite praise and admiration for Si Kou Yao, Si Kou Yao was looking at the progress bar of the system tasks, thinking silently.

After these three months of earnestness and hard work, the progress bar of the system task shows that she has completed two-thirds of the task.

Just try a little harder and complete this third, then she can return to Earth.

Si Kou Yao's heart suddenly felt hot at the thought of going home and reuniting with her relatives.

After three months of separation, she misses her so much, she really wants to go home!
During these three months, Si Kouyao also subdued a lot of villains.

After being caught by her, these big villains were all thrown into the space for brainwashing and transformation, and then let them recognize their masters. Like the Five Killing Monsters, they were transformed from big villains who endangered mankind into people who are useful to society.

Although the villains transformed by her are less than one percent of those in Sin City.

But these people are all the pillars of Sin City, as long as they are transformed, they can affect countless people below.

Without the big leader who takes the lead in doing evil, the people below will naturally be obedient and dare not mess around again!

The once notorious Hall of Evil, as well as the Thieves of Heaven, which were not so well known, were all unified into the Hall of Si Kou, reorganized and deployed by Si Kou Yao.

With the help of the exercises and panacea provided by Si Kou Yu, these people have all increased their strength by more than one level.

For Si Kou Yao, who changed their lives and enhanced their value, they even worshiped Si Kou Yao with all five bodies.

Seeing that Sin City is becoming more and more normal, and people are no longer shouting and killing every day, Si Kou Yao also has a deep sense of satisfaction in her heart.

Next, Si Kouyao teamed up with Zhan Jundong again, Zhan Jundong's plane police station provided personnel, Si Kouyao provided money and property, and set up countless welfare homes, orphanages, and free volunteers throughout Sin City. Hope of Education A series of welfare measures such as elementary school, middle school, and university have given those poor and helpless people hope.

And those poor women who were willing to immigrate, Si Kou Yao also took them over and sent them to the alliance planet to marry.

Except that the plane leading to the earth was not opened, when the system was repaired, the connection between Si Kouyao and other planes had returned to normal, and she could travel freely and transport people or things.

Si Kou Yao used all the money she earned in this sinful city to do charity and accumulate merit.

As the saying goes, those who win the hearts of the people win the world!
With her sincerity and hard work, as well as a lot of money and property, Si Kouyao also managed to win the admiration and worship from the hearts of the people in Sin City.

After staying in the City of Sin for four full months, Si Kou Yao's cultivation level has directly rushed to the stage of crossing the catastrophe, and he is only a hair away from breaking through and returning to the realm of true immortality.

In the fifth month, Si Kouyao finally succeeded in breaking through the defense line during the Transcendence Tribulation Period and returned to the Realm of Immortals.

This is a month earlier than she expected for half a year.

At the same time, her layout in Sin City has also moved towards perfection.

At this time, the city of sin has been completely transformed into a normal world, following strict order, people no longer have to worry about fear, but live in peace and contentment.

The City of Sin was also officially renamed——Ping An City.

The moment her task was completed, Si Kou Yao felt that her whole body became ethereal.

(End of this chapter)

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