Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1054 Returning to the real fairyland, the gods are fixed!

Chapter 1054 Returning to the real fairyland, the gods are fixed!
Her consciousness seemed to rush out of Sin City in an instant.

Wherever her mind goes, she can see the scene of that place.

Just like she is thinking about the earth now, she can see the current situation of the earth. She also saw her father and mother who missed her on the fairy mountain. She also saw Xiao Chifeng with a serious face in the office of the presidential palace. Office inside.

Si Kou Yao's eyes were full of shock, what's going on?

When did her spiritual power (divine consciousness) become so powerful?

At this time, the kind voice of Hongjun's ancestor rang in Si Kouyao's mind, "Yao'er, congratulations on passing the test, destroying this sinful city, establishing your godhead, and awakening your powerful godhood." Conscientiousness, please continue to work hard, the day when you truly become a god is just around the corner!"

Si Kou Yao was overjoyed, and asked directly, "Old Ancestor, can I return to Earth to reunite with my family?"

The ancestor smiled and said, "Of course! However, the ancestor still has an important task for you!"

Si Kou Yao blinked, "What important task?"

The old ancestor smiled lightly, "Become the person in charge of the Space-Time Administration!"


Si Kou Yao's eyes widened in surprise, and she opened her eyes wide. Later, she asked in shock, "Ancestor, are you kidding me?"

The ancestor snorted softly, "The ancestor doesn't have so much free time to joke with you."

Si Kouyao immediately asked again, "What about my Uncle Leng? Isn't he dismissed by the Immortal Emperor? Then what is he doing now?"

The ancestor replied, "It's not bad to be deserted, the ancestor will have other arrangements for him, so don't worry!"

Si Kou Yao breathed a sigh of relief when she heard her ancestor say that she had other arrangements for Leng Qingjue.

Then, she said, "However, my qualifications are so low, and I will be the person in charge of the Space-Time Management Bureau. Can those immortals be convinced? And the Immortal Emperor, we are endless enemies with him, can he agree?"

The ancestor smiled slightly, "The Immortal Emperor has his own ancestor to deal with him! As for the other immortals, it depends on your ability. Why, don't you have the confidence to accept this challenge? Yaoer, this opportunity is very rare Oh, and it’s also the Fairy Garden Fat Chafer that everyone wants!”

Si Kou Yao heard what the ancestor said, and immediately responded with a smile, "Old ancestor, of course I want this opportunity! Don't be a fool! Old ancestor, I assure you, I have the confidence to face all difficulties and challenges, absolutely I will not disappoint my ancestor's expectations of Yao'er!"

The ancestor laughed and said, "Okay! Then it's settled! The ancestor gave you three months to prepare. You should clean up this place first, and then go back to Earth and reunite with Ah Yu!"

Si Kou Yao was so moved that she choked up, "Thank you, Patriarch! Thank you for your support and love for Yao'er all the time!"

The ancestor smiled, "Silly girl, as long as you work hard and live up to the expectations of the ancestor, the ancestor will be satisfied!"

Si Kouyao nodded vigorously, and promised earnestly, "Old Ancestor, I will work hard! I will!"

"The ancestor believes in you! Silly girl, if there is nothing wrong, the ancestor will flash away! See you later!"

"Father, goodbye!"

Sensing that the ancestor had left, Si Kouyao immediately summoned the four big babies, as well as Zhan Jundong, Feiying, and Hu Buwei, and told them the news that she was about to return to Earth. Together with them, they planned the future development of Ping'an City.

After the discussion was over, Zhan Jundong asked Si Kouyao again through sound transmission, "The fairy has not forgotten the promise she made to my subordinate?"

(End of this chapter)

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