Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1055 Returning to Earth, a Family Reunited

Chapter 1055 Return to Earth, Family Reunion

Si Kouyao smiled lightly and sent back to him through voice transmission, "Of course not! I have already received the appointment from the ancestor. If there is no accident, I will be the person in charge of the Time and Space Administration of the Immortal Realm in three months. At that time, I will follow The ancestor said, let you return to the fairy world and be my right-hand man again, are you willing?"

Hearing what she said, Zhan Jundong was relieved to know that she had not forgotten her promise to him.

Thinking that he would be able to return to his old place soon, Zhan Jundong grinned and responded happily, "It's a great honor for Jun Dong to be the fairy's right-hand man!"

Si Kouyao also smiled at him, "Then it's settled, three months later, when I finish my job, I'll come and pick you up to the Immortal Realm!"

Zhan Jundong stretched out his hand towards her, "It's a deal!"

Si Kou Yao also stretched out her hand and shook him firmly, "It's a deal!"

Si Kouyao asked Feiying and Song Changqing to be optimistic about Jueweifang and Lingyaotang, and keep in touch with her at all times.

In the end, she took the four big babies, bid farewell to the friends who had been together for five months, and entered the space, and then opened the passage back to the earth through the plane teleportation array of the space.

When Si Kou Yao reappeared in Si Kou Hall, the whole Si Kou Hall was a sensation!
"Hall Master is back!"

"Hall Master is back!!"

"Hall Master is back!!!"

One after another, the voices resounded throughout the Sikou Palace.

Si Kouyu and Nalanyan, Mu Tingyu and Tang Tiantian who came out after hearing the news; Mr. Xiao and Grandma Xiao, Xiao Dingtian and Zheng Yiling; and disciples such as Ye Tianling, Huo Zhiyuan, Dong Xihe, Xiao Bobi, etc., were also all present. Excitedly ran out.

When they saw Si Kou Yao's return, they were all so excited that they burst into tears.





Nalan Yan even hugged Si Kou Yao and burst into tears, "Yaoer, my Yaoer..."

The past five months have been too much for her.

Every day and every night, I was tortured by guilt and couldn't sleep.

Even though Si Kouyao was able to summon them later, as long as Na Lanyan thought of Si Kouyao's suffering in other places, she felt sad, sad, and felt that she was dragging her daughter down.

Si Kouyao hugged Nalanyan back and patted her on the back, "Mom, don't cry! I'm back!"

While comforting Nalan Yan, Si Kou Yao smiled and waved to the others...

"Mom, don't cry, let's go in and talk!"

Si Kouyao finished coaxing Na Lanyan, and then said hello to Mr. Xiao, Mrs. Xiao, Xiao Dingtian, Zheng Yiling, and her father one by one.

Her disciples also stepped forward to salute her one by one.

Xu Jinlai said sweetly, "Master, you are back, we all miss you!"

Little Bobby also nodded vigorously, looking left and right, and when he didn't see the little fan, he couldn't help asking Si Kouyao, "Master, where are the little fans? Didn't they come back?"

After the excitement, everyone remembered that the five babies hadn't been seen yet.

Si Kou Yao quickly summoned the children out of the space, "Here, they are here!"

The four big babies can land on their own, but the little fan has to be hugged by Si Kouyao.

At this time, Xiaofentuan'er is almost seven months old, and she looks even more pink and jade-like. A pair of big black eyes are inlaid on the face of a small white jade face. She is so cute that everyone loves her His face was bloody, and he liked her so much that he wanted to kiss her right away.

 PS: 8 updates are over, dear friends, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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