Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1067 The Immortal Emperor's Retribution Has Arrived!

Chapter 1067 The Immortal Emperor's Retribution Has Arrived!
Ancestor Hongjun waved his hand, took back the image, and said to the immortals with a sad face, "Speaking of which, I am also responsible for this matter. I regard myself as the way of heaven, but I failed to punish Minghong early and let him make trouble. And let Yang Hao and the Yang family cause troubles to the people in the fairy world, today, I want to do justice for the heavens and kill Ming Hong and Yang Hao who have caused disasters to the common people! Come on, get Ming Hong and Yang Hao out for me!"

Only then did the immortals know that the immortal emperor and Yang Hao had already been detained by the ancestors.

The Immortal Emperor and Yang Hao were taken to the front of the hall, and when they saw the ancestor sitting on top of the Lingxiao Palace, the two of them knelt down immediately, kowtowed and begged for mercy, "Old Ancestor, please spare me!" !"

"Old Ancestor, please spare my life, I will never dare again! Ancestor, please spare my life!"

A trace of regret and pity flashed in the eyes of the ancestor, and he chanted loudly in Sanskrit, "Ming Hong, Yang Hao, you have committed a lot of evil, and now good and evil will be rewarded in the end! It's not that you didn't report it before, but it's just that the time has not come; now it's time It has arrived, and it will be reported by the heavens!"

As soon as the ancestor's words fell, the bodies of Immortal Emperor and Yang Hao disintegrated in an instant, and even their primordial spirits did not escape, they just turned into light spots and disappeared into the air.

All the immortals felt cold all over, and no one dared to say a word.

Ancestor Hongjun glanced around at the crowd, and said in a low voice, "All living beings have spirits, and the sky also has spirits. I hope everyone here can learn from this and never do it again! Practice is not easy, please cherish it!"

All the immortals stood solemnly, and responded in unison, "I would like to obey the oracle of the ancestor!"

The minds of many immortals have also become active. Once the Immortal Emperor and Yang Hao go, who will replace the two important positions that are vacant?
Some immortals are there whimsical, daydreaming, the person who will take over the throne of Immortal Emperor, could it be me?If it's me, that would be great!

While many immortals were making guesses and beautiful fantasies, the ancestor Hongjun said there again, "After my assessment and inspection for a period of time, the position of Immortal Emperor will be taken over by Leng Qingjue from today onwards." !!!”

The immortals were instantly stunned!

Absolutely deserted! ! !
It turned out that Leng Qingjue took over the position of Immortal Emperor! ! !

What are you kidding?

Wasn't he removed from the position of head of the Space-Time Administration by Na Minghong some time ago?
At that time, many immortals were still laughing at him for being ignorant of current affairs, and for Si Kou Yu, he dared to confront the Immortal Emperor.

Fortunately, he turned Xianyu so quickly, and even sat on the throne of Immortal Emperor in one fell swoop!
God!Such a rapid reversal is really shocking!
Those people who joked at the time that they were deserted and absolutely stupid, now their faces are flushed, and they can't wait to get into the cracks in the ground.

They're the real idiots, okay?

This news really shocked many people, some were happy, some were worried...

But those immortals in the Lingxiao Palace who are related to the Leng family are all crazy with joy!

I really didn't think of it!
Their lineage will have a turnaround day, and Leng Qingjue will sit on the throne of Immortal Emperor. Will they be able to take advantage of it and gain some benefits in the future?

While many people were still in shock, Patriarch Hongjun spoke again, "The position of the head of the Space-Time Administration will be taken up by Si Kou Yao from now on. And Yang Hao's position as the General of the Heaven Realm will be taken up from now on." From now on, Li Jing will be in charge."

As soon as this order came out, the immortals looked at each other again.

Who is this little-known Si Kou Yao? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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