Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1068 Take over the important task, Xianting fat difference

Chapter 1068 Take over the important task, Xianting fat difference

How did she get the great love of her ancestors and allow her such an important position in the heavenly court?

Leng Qingjue, Si Kouyao, and Li Jing came out, and Qi Qi knelt down towards Patriarch Hongjun, kowtowed and thanked him, "Thank you for your kindness, Patriarch, we will do our best, devote ourselves to death, and work for all! "

Ancestor Hongjun smiled kindly at the three of them, "Get up!"

After the three got up, the ancestor said to Leng Qingjue, "Qingjue, come up!"

Desolately and respectfully replied, "Yes!"

Step by step, he climbed to the highest position in the three realms and stood in front of Patriarch Hongjun.

Ancestor Hongjun took out the jade seal in charge of the Three Realms, and solemnly handed it to Leng Qingjue in front of the immortals.

The ancestor told Leng Qingjue again, "Qingjue, don't live up to the expectations of the ancestor like Minghong!"

Leng Qingjue took the jade seal solemnly, and directly stretched out three fingers to the sky to swear, "I Lengqing absolutely swears to the sky, as long as I sit on the great position of Immortal Emperor in this life, I will act strictly and justly, enforce the law impartially, and will not be biased. Follow selfishness, do not violate the law, work for all, do your best, and die, if you violate this oath, you will be punished by heaven!"

As soon as he made the oath of the inner demon, the law of heaven issued an invisible contract to bind him. Once he made a mistake and violated the oath, the punishment of heaven would come down.

Ancestor Hongjun stroked his long beard, and said with a smile, "Okay! Since Qingjue dares to swear such a heart demon, the ancestor also believes in you, and will definitely be a good immortal emperor!"

The old ancestor turned to face the immortals again, and with a hint of warning, said in a deep voice, "I hope that all the immortals here can do their best to assist Immortal Emperor Qingjue, and work with him to take charge of the Three Realms, so that all living beings in the world can get more Happiness and joy! If someone messes around like Ming Hong and Yang Hao again, I will not forgive you lightly, do all the immortals understand?"

The immortals thought of Ming Hong and Yang Hao's miserable fate just now, and hurriedly responded, "We will obey the sacred instructions of our ancestors!"

Ancestor Hongjun nodded in satisfaction, "Very good! Qingjue, I'll leave it to you, and I'll go back first!"

All the immortals responded in unison, "We will send our ancestors off respectfully!"

Patriarch Hongjun passed away in a flash.

His apprentices and grandchildren received a voice transmission from the ancestor at this time, "I have recognized Si Kou Yu as my son. Tonight, you all come to the ancestor's hall to attend the dinner party. If anyone dares not to come, the ancestor will spank him!" fart!"

The ancestor has an order, how dare his disciples and grandchildren not listen?

But his old man's last words almost made them laugh out loud.

It turned out that the ancestor would sometimes joke with them!

The ancestor led Si Kou Yu and the others back first, leaving only Si Kou Yao, who was going to hand over to the people from the Space-Time Administration.

Xiao Chifeng didn't go back either, and stayed by her side quietly.

Their five babies stayed in the space, watching the live broadcast that Xiaoxiao opened for them, watching with gusto.

Especially when they saw the Immortal Emperor and Yang Hao being executed by the ancestor, they even cheered, "The ancestor is mighty, well killed! Well killed!"

The other members of the Yang clan who committed many crimes did not escape Tiangong's ruling.

There is another person who escaped from birth, that is Princess Luluo.

Because she is a fairy doctor by profession, she has saved many people in her life, but she has not committed many serious crimes.

The old ancestor was merciful, and it was not easy to miss her, so he withdrew her cultivation, erased her memory, made her forget everything in the fairy world, and demoted her to the mortal world, making her a mortal, and started her life again.

(End of this chapter)

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