Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1074 Xiao Xiaolong wants to grab his wife with Bobby 2

Chapter 1074 Xiao Xiaolong wants to grab his wife with Bobby 2
In the lounge next to the banquet hall.

As soon as Xiao Xiaolong saw the cute little fan, he said straight away, "I want to hug the little fan, I want to hug the little fan..."

With a helpless expression on her face, Shen Qing had no choice but to say to Xiao Xiaolong, "Xiao Long'er, you are still too young to hold your little sister. When you grow up, you can hold your little sister."

Xiao Xiaolong pursed his lips and said dissatisfiedly, "I can walk with a heavy tripod on my shoulders, so I must be able to hold my little sister. Mommy, you lied to me!"

Shen Qing comforted him again, "I know my little Long'er is very powerful, but my sister is a birthday star today, and many people want to see her hug her, so let's not join in the fun, okay?"

Xiao Xiaolong immediately begged Shen Qing innocently, "Mummy, can you take Xiaofentuan'er back to our house? Then I can play with Xiaofentuaner, Mommy, when I grow up Now, I want to marry Xiao Fan Tuan'er as my daughter-in-law!"

Little Bobby has always been by Xiaofentuan'er's side.

As soon as he heard that Xiao Xiaolong wanted to rob him of his wife, he immediately became anxious.

He quickly said to Si Kouyao through voice transmission, "Godmother, please don't let this little guy take away the little fan, the little fan is going to marry me!"

Seeing Xiao Bobi's anxious face, Si Kou Yao couldn't help being happy.

She also sent back to him via voice transmission, "Bobby, what if the little fan group grows up and doesn't like you? Then what should I do?"

Little Bobby replied resolutely and confidently, "I will never let this possibility happen! Little fan, she can only be mine!"

Si Kou Yao laughed at him, "You really have confidence!"

Xiao Bobi winked playfully at Si Kouyao, and said with a wicked smile, "Of course! I am the master's direct disciple! Besides, if you don't want to be a general's soldier, you are not a good soldier; if you don't want to marry a little fan A man is not a good man either! I am determined to be a good man who only wants to marry a little fan!"

Si Kouyao couldn't stop laughing because of him, she reached out and patted Bobby's shoulder, "Hahaha, little Bobby, you are doing well, Master is very optimistic about you! Come on!"

Bobby smiled shyly at her, deep in those blue eyes as deep as the sea, but filled with the momentum of never backing down, never admitting defeat, and must win.

At this time, Xiao Xiaolong asked Shen Qing very puzzled, "Mommy, why does brother Bobby keep hugging little sister and refuse to let go? I want to hug little sister too..."

Shen Qing glanced at Bobby, and found that this extremely handsome boy was looking at their mother and son warily, with warning eyes in his eyes, as if saying to them: You better not mess with me!

This little boy's aura is really full!

Shen Qing smiled and said to her son, "That's because, brother Bobby is just like you, he likes little fans very much!"

Xiao Xiaolong let out a soft "ah", "Really?"

He turned his head to look at Bobby again, and Xiaojun said to Bobby with seriousness and seriousness on his face, "Brother Bobby, you are so old, and you are too old to be a fan! At my age, It’s just right with small noodles, brother Bobby, don’t think about old cows eating tender grass!”

Shen Qing and Si Kouyao couldn't help laughing out loud when they heard Xiao Xiaolong's old-fashioned words.

But Bobby was so angry that his handsome face turned black from his sentence "an old cow eats young grass".

But he quickly suppressed his anger, sneered at Xiao Xiaolong and said, "Xiao Fantuan'er and I are both monks, and both have a lifespan of more than a thousand years, but it's only a difference of ten years, which is different from our millennium. What is it compared to your lifespan?"

(End of this chapter)

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