Chapter 1075 Black-bellied Bobby 1
Xiao Xiaolong shook his little head in an old-fashioned way, "Well, age is not a problem, and height is not a distance, brother Bobby, since we both want to marry our little sister, let's fight! Whoever loses will give up. ,How about it?"

Bobby said with some embarrassment, "Xiao Xiaolong, I'm older than you. If I win against you, I won't be able to win by force. People will say that I bully children."

Xiao Xiaolong said proudly, "Brother Bobby, don't be too proud, do you really think that you can win me?"

Bobby smiled lightly, "Whether we can beat you, let's try it and we'll know."

Xiao Xiaolong snorted coldly, "Okay! After the little sister's birthday party is over, we will have a showdown!"

Bobby still smiled faintly, "Okay, it's a deal!"

"A word is settled!"

Shen Qing and Si Kouyao saw that the two little guys had immediately set the time for the duel, looked at each other, couldn't help but shook their heads and sighed.

These children are really precocious!

All of them are still so young, they already know how to grab their wives early!
However, both of them are people who watch the excitement and are not afraid of big things. This matter is a test between the two children. They also want to see, who is stronger between the two children?
At this time, Ye Tianling walked in and said respectfully to Si Kouyao, "Master, it's almost time for the banquet. Master asked me to invite you to take my junior sister out!"

Si Kou Yao nodded and said, "Okay, let's go out right away!"

She turned her head and smiled at Shen Qing again, "My Lady Queen, come out with me! Please!"

Shen Qing glared at her angrily, "Young poor, let's go!"

Si Kou Yao chuckled coquettishly, and motioned for Xiao Bobi to hug the little fan and go out together.

Xiao Xiaolong also took his mother's hand and walked out, turning his head three times a step at a time, and kept looking back at the little powder ball that Bobby was holding behind the mother and son.

That reluctance really made Si Kou Yao secretly amused.

If it wasn't for Little Bobby, she really wanted to give her precious daughter to Xiao Xiaolong who was also extremely cute.

With Xiao Xiaolong's powerful dragon genes, he must have extraordinary achievements in the future, and the woman who can marry him is also very happy.

It's a pity that you can't have both!

Her little baby is so beautiful, I'm afraid more men will come out in the future.

Thinking that Xiao Bobi will have to deal with so many rivals in love from all over the world in the future, and compete with and snatch her from Xiao Bobi, Si Kouyao can't help feeling a little sympathetic to him, wondering if Xiao Bobi can handle it?

After thinking about it, they had already reached the banquet hall.

As soon as many guests saw Si Kouyao coming out, they warmly greeted her, wanted to shake hands with her, greet her, show her presence in front of her, and get familiar with her.

Si Kouyao also responded politely one by one, without the slightest aloofness of a cultivator, no matter what her status is now, she is as friendly to people as ever.

Because of this, many people like her, and her prestige among the people is also very high. Many people took the initiative to offer her longevity tablets, and regarded her as a god, hoping that she would bless them.

Si Kouyao didn't stop doing good deeds just because she went to the Immortal Realm and became the head of the Space-Time Management Bureau.

On the contrary, she has always felt that the greater a person's ability, the more responsibilities he shoulders and the more things he has to do.

(End of this chapter)

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