Chapter 1100 Kill you scum!

"Yeah! It's really pitiful!"

"These parents have gone all at once, what will Lingdai do in the future?"


The relatives, friends and neighbors next to her all thought that Lingdai fainted because she was overly sad, and no one thought that there could be other reasons.

However, even if Xiao Qingzhou didn't make Lingdai faint, she would cry faintly sooner or later like Lingdai.

When she fainted from crying, her heart was hurt.

And Xiao Qingzhou will not let her hurt himself.

The dead are dead, and so are the living.

The living still have to live hard and strong, so that the dead can rest in peace!

When Aunt Yang saw that Lingdai had fainted, she hurried forward and said to Xiao Qingzhou, "Your Highness, please take Lingdai into the room to rest! This child may be too sad, alas..."

Xiao Qingzhou nodded, "Okay, I'll take her upstairs to rest for a while, Aunt Yang, sorry for your trouble."

Aunt Yang hurriedly said with an apologetic smile, "You're welcome, you're welcome..."

Xiao Qingzhou accompanied Lingdai back home many times, and he also knew which room Lingdai lived in, so he directly carried her up to the second floor, into her boudoir, and put her on the bed.

At this time, Ling Yinghua, who had just transferred the account to the killer, also came after hearing the news.

He came in with a face of hypocrisy and greeted him, "Your Highness, I didn't expect you to come too. It's really disappointing. This she okay?"

Now that Xiao Qingzhou saw this scumbag, he wanted to kill him directly.

He was not in the mood to deal with him either, so he said directly, "Lingdai needs to rest, you should go out first!"

Ling Yinghua didn't expect that Xiao Qingzhou would be so disrespectful to him, without even a false reply, he just drove him away, the smile on his face froze for a moment.

But he didn't dare to get angry with Xiao Qingzhou, so he could only nod his head and laugh along with him, and replied again and again, "Yes, yes, then you guys have a good rest, take a good rest, I'll go out and get busy first..."

Seeing Xiao Qingzhou staring at Lingdai with all his attention, ignoring him, not even giving him a look, Ling Yinghua gritted his teeth angrily.

After going out, he bitterly "poohed" towards the direction of the house, and cursed in a low voice, "Bitch!"

As soon as he finished scolding someone, he felt as if his mouth was pierced into the flesh by thousands of needles at the same time. The pain caused tears to flow out of his mouth, and there were wailing screams from his mouth...

Xiao Qingzhou in the room had a cold smile on his lips...

You scum, I won't be able to kill you for a while, but I can also maim you first!
When the people downstairs heard Ling Yinghua's crying, they thought something happened, and they all rushed up one by one.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

"Boss Ling, what's wrong with you?"

Ling Yinghua covered his mouth with his hands, and said in pain, "I have a toothache, hurry up, take me to the hospital, the hospital..."

"Oh, hurry up, Xiao Ming, you drive President Ling to the hospital right away!"

There were also some men who ran errands for Ling Yinghua, as soon as he heard what Ling Yinghua said, he immediately ordered someone to rush Ling Yinghua to the hospital.

As a result, I went to the hospital for a look, and the doctor couldn't find anything wrong with him.

Even if he was given painkilling injections, it was useless, Ling Yinghua's toothache never got better, instead it got worse and worse.

Ling Yinghua was so angry that he cursed all the doctors in the hospital as quacks, trash, useless guys...

(End of this chapter)

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