Chapter 1101

Those doctors and nurses were scolded miserably by him, looking at Long Yinghua as if they wanted to eat him.

This kind of scum must have done a lot of evil, so there will be such retribution!

It would be best to kill him! ! !
The final result was that Long Yinghua, a scumbag, passed out from the pain!

He thought he passed out from the pain and would be fine when he woke up.

As a result, after he woke up, he was still in terrible pain. The pain made him cry for his father and mother, and he cursed at the doctor and the nurse again, but it was useless. He should die of pain, or die of pain...

His toothache didn't stop until the National Police took handcuffs and ruthlessly handcuffed him to a police car.

On the contrary, Long Yinghua breathed a sigh of relief, he thought he was going to die from the pain, now as long as the pain doesn't stop, it doesn't matter if he is sent to the police station, anyway, if he goes in, he will be able to come out within a day.

At this time, he didn't know that what he was about to face was life for life!

Old man Ling and Liu Hongye knew that something was wrong when they heard that Ling Yinghua had been arrested and taken to the police station, and no one was allowed to meet him.

They found their acquaintances to investigate the situation, and when they learned that Long Yinghua ordered the killer to kill Long Yingming and Reli, they still couldn't believe it.

When they heard that Long Yinghua was going to be sentenced to death, the old man Long and Liu Hongye couldn't bear the blow, and ran around desperately for Ling Yinghua, begging grandpa and suing grandma, all wanting to clear him of the charges.

However, when everyone heard that it was about the Ling family, they all backed away and even dared not meet them, for fear that the people above would suspect that they had colluded with the Ling family.

Old man Ling and Liu Hongye had no choice but to find Lingdai again, begging Lingdai to save Ling Yinghua.

Ling Dai returned them with a sneer, "He dared to kill my parents and try to seize our family's property, he should die! His rotten life, exchanging my parents' two lives, is enough for him! You still want me to save them, go ahead and dream!"

After hearing this, Liu Hongye cursed loudly, "You bitch, how dare you talk like that? See if I don't kill you bitch!"

Lingdai was full of anger and had nowhere to vent her anger. When she saw Liu Hongye come up to her, she kicked him mercilessly.

Liu Hongye's body, which was as fat as a pig, flew into the air in an instant, and flew straight out of the gate like a chubby super big leather ball.

There was a loud bang...

Liu Hongye's obese body fell to the ground hard, and she passed out on the spot.

Seeing that she didn't move for a long time, the people next to her thought that she followed her.

Someone stepped forward cautiously, stretched out his hand to test the breath in her nose, found that she was still breathing, he was relieved, and hurriedly sent her to the hospital.

Old man Ling looked at Ling Dai, who was as fierce as a beast, and didn't dare to say another word, and walked away in despair.

After cremating her spiritual father and mother, Ling Dai did not allow her parents' ashes to be buried in the Ling family's cemetery after seeking Si Kou Yao's opinion.

Regardless of old man Ling's objection, Lingdai insisted on bringing her parents' ashes back to Sikou Hall. With Sikou Yao's permission, she temporarily placed them in the ancestral hall of Sikou Hall for offering.

She planned to wait for them to ascend to the fairy world, and then bring the ashes of her parents to the fairy world.

In this way, she will feel as if she will always be with her parents, and she will not have to worry about whether there will be no one sweeping the grave of her parents in the future, and whether grass will grow.

(End of this chapter)

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