Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1102 This sister-in-law can't escape!

Chapter 1102 This sister-in-law can't escape!
Next, it's time to check the Ling family.

Lingdai's three cousins ​​who had been eating, drinking, whoring, and gambling were found to be involved in multiple murder cases, rape cases, and arson cases. The three brothers were sent to prison together. no period.

Liu Hongye, who had just been discharged from the hospital, saw that the situation was not good, so she wanted to take her wealth and flee abroad to live.

In the end, when he was leaving, he was caught by the old man Ling.

While the two were arguing and fighting, Liu Hongye accidentally pushed old man Ling down the stairs.

Old man Ling's head hit the ground, and with a bang, he was almost dead.

Liu Hongye killed someone, so she couldn't run away. She and her sons entered the police station a few days later, and soon after, she and her dear husband went to hell together. They really depended on each other for life and death!
After going down to the underworld, the couple committed too many evils and were sent to the [-]th floor of hell. They went to suffer and suffer, and redeemed their sins, but they didn't know when their sins would be erased?
The well-known Ling family in the local area is just finished...

Lingdai didn't care at all. After she sold her parents' inheritance, she donated it all to accumulate merit for her parents, so that they could have a good pregnancy in their next life and live happily ever after.

The property of the head of the Ling family is just an empty shell. It seems that the family has a big business, but after the collapse, it is found that it is already insolvent, and it is not enough to pay off the debts of several major banks.

They usually live by borrowing loans from major banks, demolishing the east wall and repairing the west wall.

In desperation, the heads of several major banks had no choice but to apply to the court for forced sale of property, which offset the bank's arrears.

The matter of the Ling family came to an end, but Ling Dai has been depressed, with a sad face all day long, as if she really became Lin Daiyu.

No matter how much Xiao Qingzhou could coax her, he took her to travel around, but she still looked like this.

In desperation, Xiao Qingzhou had no choice but to seek help from his boss, Kou Yao, "Mummy, now that Lingdai is so depressed every day, I'm really worried that she won't think about it? Mommy, help me think of a way, what should we do?" ?”

Si Kouyao raised her eyes and glanced at her son. During this period of time, the elder son had also lost a lot of weight because of Lingdai's matter, and she also felt distressed.

After thinking about it, Si Kouyao said, "Why don't we temporarily seal up her memories of this period of time? When Lingdai grows up and has experienced many things, she will see things more broadly. Let's let her She regained her memory, what do you think?"

Xiao Qingzhou's eyes lit up, and he said directly, "This method is good, so let's do it this way!"

Si Kou Yao smiled and said, "Okay, I'll arrange this matter, you just wait!"

A few days later, Lingdai, who had part of her memory sealed, improved obviously.

Si Kouyao, Xiao Qingzhou, and a large group of colleagues who cared about her also breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's all right now, the rain is over and the sky is clear!"

When the second child, the third child, and the fourth child were together, they also joked about the eldest brother, "Brother, you can rest assured now, you can finally take a breath."

"Yes! My sister-in-law will definitely not be able to escape!"

"Hahaha, we're just waiting to drink the boss' wedding wine!"

Xiao Qingzhou looked at these younger brothers and gave them a helpless look, "Don't laugh at me here, hehe, my problem is solved, and it will be your turn next! I think Mommy will definitely I'd be happy to find someone for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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