Chapter 115
As soon as Shen Qingcong thought of the big prize that fell from the sky, she couldn't wait to say to Bai Yan, "If you want it, I want to upgrade immediately and draw a lottery right away."

Bai Yan said lightly, "Okay, please leave the space, the host, the system upgrade will start immediately."

As soon as his words fell, Shen Qingcong was sent out of the space by the system.

Before she sat down on the sofa, the door opened.

Xiao Chifeng, who had just gone to discuss matters with Yan Ting, walked in.

Shen Qingcong got up immediately, and jumped towards him with a cheerful smile like a swallow, "Ah Chi, you're back!"

Xiao Chifeng stretched out his arms to hug her, let out a soft "um", looked at her tenderly and asked, "Why don't you take a longer rest?"

Shen Qingcong blinked at him, and said with a coquettish smile, "My current life is basically eating and sleeping. I think it won't be long before I become a little fat pig."

Xiao Chifeng smiled lightly, "Even if you become a fat pig, I won't despise you!"

Shen Qingcong shook her body.

She really didn't dare to imagine that intoxicating scene.

As long as she thinks that a cold and noble man like Xiao Chifeng will tenderly say love to her chubby, she will find it unbearable, and she will never let herself fall to that point.

I would rather be thin to death than let myself be fat to death!
She knew very well that if she wanted to keep a man from leaving her, she must maintain a beautiful appearance and mental state at all times, so as to attract the man's attention and grasp the man's heart.

Although it's not very good to care too much about appearance, wouldn't it be better if you can achieve both internal and external excellence?If conditions permit, who wouldn't want to be a perfect woman?

Men are all concerned about face, a beautiful and capable wife is also a fan of face when she is taken out.

It's the same with women, they all hope that their husbands are handsome and capable, not only will they have face when they take them out, but they will even look good when they talk about them.

Xiao Chifeng looked down at Shen Qingcong's dazed look again, and knew that she must not know what she was thinking.

Feeling that he was being ignored by her, he stretched out his hand and pinched her nose in dissatisfaction, "What are you thinking? You are so engrossed in thinking that even your husband ignores you?"

Only then did Shen Qingcong come back to her senses, and smiled at him, "I'm thinking about us! Well, I'm thinking about our future? Chi, have you ever thought about our future?"

As soon as he heard that she was thinking about their future, the little dissatisfaction in Xiao Chifeng's heart disappeared instantly.

He said to her in a very positive tone, "We don't have to think about our future, it will be wonderful! I can guarantee it!"

For the past few days, Xiao Chifeng has been with Shen Qingcong, staying with her in the delta, completely letting go of the annoying military affairs, feeling comfortable and at ease, really reluctant to leave.


During this period of time, due to the fall of the Jiang family, the capital of the Huatian Empire was also changing, treacherous and unpredictable, secretly triggering countless bloody storms to carve up the power of the Jiang family and fight for power and profit.

When a big family falls, more families will try to squeeze up.

His father, President Xiao Dingtian, has called him one after another, urging him again and again, telling him to go back and help.

When he was discussing things with Yan Ting just now, the President called again and gave him a final order, telling him to rush back today!

Otherwise, the family law waits!
(End of this chapter)

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