Chapter 116
Xiao Dingtian let go this time and asked his son to take Shen Qingcong back with him!
Just when he thought that Xiao Chifeng would be ecstatic when he heard the news, Xiao Chifeng said to him in a cool tone, "Dad, Qingcong said that if she doesn't make a career, she won't go back. I will not marry into the Xiao family as a daughter-in-law!"

Xiao Dingtian was stunned when he heard it!

He never imagined that a girl from an ordinary family would have such arrogance and ambition.

Why is she so confident?

Why does she think that she will be able to rise?

Why did she think that she would impress the Xiao family?

Xiao Dingtian shook his head, this child is really naive, does she really think that starting a career is so easy?

Now that he has let go, she still dares to take Joe and refuses to come back with A Chi, which really makes him wonder what to say about her.

Could it be that they really let her mess around, let her raise a baby outside, and give birth to their Xiao family's baby outside?Let her treat the most noble blood of their Xiao family as ordinary cats and dogs?

What nonsense!Nonsense!Nonsense!

Seeing that his father was angry, Xiao Chifeng was afraid that the old man would misunderstand Shen Qingcong again, so he quickly explained to him, "Dad, Qingcong is a very measured person, and she is really capable, I can't talk to you now. Talk too much about her, in short, she is definitely worthy of your son, maybe her achievements will be far above mine in the future, so you can let her develop! I have already sent a team of hidden guards Come here, Yan Ting and the others are guarding her, she and the child will be fine!"

Xiao Dingtian saw that his son belittled himself so much in order to speak for her, what else could he say?
He could only sigh and say, "Since you've said that, it's up to you! I only have one request, and that is... you must ensure that nothing happens to the child in your belly!"

Xiao Chifeng said with a serious face, "Dad, don't worry about this, even if you don't confess, I will use my life to ensure the safety of her and the child! I will never let her and the child have an accident!"

When Xiao Dingtian heard what he said, he snorted coldly, "Okay, you just need to know how to measure, remember, hurry back to me today! Do you hear me?"

Xiao Chifeng simply replied, "I know."

Thinking of this, Xiao Chifeng looked at Shen Qingcong, and felt a little bit reluctant to leave, and he couldn't say the words of separation.

Shen Qingcong looked at his hesitant appearance, her heart skipped a beat, and she took the initiative to ask him, "Ah Chi, do you have something to say to me?"

Xiao Chifeng heard her asking, so he bit the bullet and said to Shen Qingcong, "Congcong, I'm going back!"

A trace of disappointment flashed in Shen Qingcong's heart for an instant, and there was also a deep sense of reluctance in his eyes.

With him these few days, she had a very happy and happy life.

However, he has a high position and authority, and there are so many things to deal with every day, and now it is the critical moment for the Jiang family to fall. It is not easy for him to spare a few days to accompany her, so how could he stay in Delta here with her?

Sooner or later they will be separated!

Shen Qingcong suppressed the bitterness and sadness in her heart, and showed him a bright smile, "I'm leaving now? Chi, wait a little longer, I'll prepare something for you, and you can take it home..."

 PS: Woohoo, because I have a bad cold and I am still working hard to type, dear friends, please vote for support~
(End of this chapter)

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