Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1204 Let You See the Skills of Spiritual Doctors 2

Chapter 1204 Let You See the Skills of Spiritual Doctors 2
Seeing the reactions of the common people below, Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er couldn't help but look at each other and smile at each other.

At this time, Si Kou Yao, who was sitting in front of the monitoring system of the space and watching the performance of the third child and Xiao Yuer, when she saw the third child using this trick to build momentum for herself, suddenly remembered that she was in Gong Chen at that time. The scene when Tang Jingcheng used the spiritual fruit of life to create momentum.

She couldn't help laughing loudly, "Hahaha, the third child is really worthy of being my son, he really has the demeanor of a fairy, I don't need to teach him this trick, he can use it by himself! Not bad! Really good! This The child has a future!"

Xiao Qingxing didn't know that he was appreciated by his mother. He was anxious to go to the City Lord's Mansion with Xiao Yu'er.

Soon, the two of them saw the solemn and solemn gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

The two of them flew over the gate of the city lord's mansion, and the soldiers guarding the gate suddenly exclaimed, "Oh my god! Look, who is that?"

"Is it a fairy?"

"Is it really a fairy?"

"I think so! Otherwise, how could they fly?"

When Xiao Qingxing heard the voice of the gate guard, he also directly mobilized his spiritual power, and with his clear and pleasant voice, he fooled them solemnly and said, "We are the emissaries sent by the fairy world to save you, please Tongzhou City Lord, come out and tell me!"

At this time, Feng Bo, the lord of Tongzhou City, was frowning in the room, worrying about how to solve the plague.

Suddenly, he heard Xiao Qingxing's voice from outside. After listening, he froze for a moment, and then cursed loudly, "Which bastard is this talking nonsense here? If there are really immortals in this world, there will be So many disasters?"

Just when he finished speaking, he heard a loud shout in his ear, "Bold! Not only do you have no immortals in your heart, but you dare to despise immortals. Get out quickly, and I will spare you this time!"

Feng Bo felt a strong coercion descending, which made his legs tremble, and he was so frightened that he almost knelt down.

He walked out of the door shaking his legs, and when he raised his eyes and saw Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er flying in the sky, they were shocked.

Oh my god, are there really gods in this world?

Feng Bo didn't have time to think about it, so he knelt down directly, "Feng Bo, the lord of Tongzhou City, pays homage to the two immortals! Please forgive Feng Bo's crime of not knowing the presence of the immortals. If you are far away, please forgive me! Forgive me!"

The other people also knelt down and shouted loudly, "Welcome the immortal!"

"Welcome the Immortal!"

"Welcome the Immortal!"

After the shouts came out from the city lord's mansion, the common people became even more excited and excited.

It is true that there are immortals here!
They are saved!
This good news, like growing wings, flew to the whole city in the blink of an eye.

Tongzhou City, which was originally lifeless, seemed to come back to life in an instant, with boiling human voices and excited sounds full of hope.

"Great! We're saved!"

"Mother, hold on, the immortal who rescued us is here! He's here! Did you hear that?"

"Father, you must hold on! We are saved! The immortal is here, the immortal is here to save us..."

Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er did not disappoint the common people. They quickly proposed rescue measures to the city lord, asking Feng Bo to find a place, and then quickly gather people together, and he will treat them together.

(End of this chapter)

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