Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1205 Let You See the Skills of Spiritual Doctors 3

Chapter 1205 Let You See the Skills of Spiritual Doctors 3
Feng Bo said flatteringly, "The Martial Arts Arena in the city is the most spacious, and immortal masters and fairies can go there to diagnose and treat plague diseases for the common people."

Xiao Qingxing nodded, "Okay, let's go there! I will notify the common people to go there now, do you want to go with me?"

Feng Bo nodded quickly, "Of course! Of course! The little one is by my side, if the fairy master and fairy have any orders, the little one can do it right away!"

Xiao Qingxing saw that City Lord Feng Bo was quite interesting, so he also smiled, took out a bottle of life juice and threw it to him, "Here, I'll reward you! This is spirit juice, drink it!"

Feng Bo happily put the life juice in his pocket, not willing to drink it.

Xiao Qingxing glanced at him, smiled softly, "Master Feng, this is what I gave you to drink, you can drink it, don't worry, this is definitely not poison, it is a spiritual juice that is beneficial to your body, after drinking you You won't be infected with the plague again!"

"Really?" Feng Bo's eyes lit up, and he asked him again, "Master Immortal, can I leave this juice for my mother, my son, and my wife?"

When Xiao Qingxing heard this, he immediately asked him, "How many people are there in your city lord's mansion?"

Feng Bo turned his head to look at the butler beside him.

The steward immediately reported an accurate number with interest, and replied respectfully, "Reporting to the immortal master, there are 108 people in the city lord's mansion, and there are also 1500 people in the city lord's mansion's legion."

Xiao Qingxing waved his hand, and there were more than 30 boxes of life juice underground.

Pointing to those life juices, he said to Feng Bo, "You distribute these life juices to the people of the city lord's mansion and the army of the city lord's mansion. One drink per person can prevent the plague. Remember, one drink per person, no one can drink it." Don’t take too much, if my immortal master finds out that you dare to embezzle, he will never forgive you lightly, do you hear me clearly?”

Feng Bo and the butler nodded repeatedly, and hurriedly responded, "Understand! Understood! Understood!"

Now is an extraordinary period, they just want to keep this life, how dare they think about other things.

Feng Bo immediately asked the steward to obey the order of the immortal master, and quickly sent the life juice to the people of the city lord's mansion and the army of the city lord's mansion.

Feng Bo also repeatedly warned the housekeeper that it must be distributed to everyone to prevent the people below from corruption.

The housekeeper answered "yes" repeatedly.

Xiao Qingxing watched the butler go out, and then said to Feng Bo, "Then let's go to the martial arts arena now!"

Feng Bo respectfully replied, "Yes! Immortal master, fairy, please come with me!"

Just as they were walking out, a sissy shout suddenly came from outside the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, "The imperial decree has arrived! Feng Bo, the city lord of Tongzhou City, received the order!"

Hearing the eunuch Lin Eunuch's voice, Feng Bo was startled.

How did this decree arrive so soon?Is it true that the news from Beijing said that the emperor is going to destroy the city?

Feng Bo hurriedly greeted him with a smile, "Eunuch Lin, please come in and serve tea first, and then accept the order after Feng cleans his hands and burns incense, how about it?"

When Feng Bo was talking, he quickly took out a bank note and handed it to Mr. Lin.

Eunuch Lin raised his chin proudly, "Then let's go into the house!"

Feng Bo hurriedly said to Eunuch Lin again, "Eunuch Lin, two immortal masters and fairies who can save the people in the city came to the mansion today. Look, this is the immortal master who came down from the sky to save us. This is a fairy... ..."

Eunuch Lin curled his lips, squeezed his orchid fingers, and said with a cold snort, "What fairy teacher and fairy? Could it be a trick? Zajia will help you find out..."

(End of this chapter)

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