Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1207 Let You See the Skills of Spiritual Doctors 5

Chapter 1207 Let You See the Skills of Spiritual Doctors 5
The green light ball turned into small green light spots and landed on the body of the disease patient.

Visible to everyone's naked eyes, the black and blue complexion of the plague patient gradually became normal, and then quickly returned to rosy.

"All right!"

When Xiao Qingxing withdrew his hand, the plague patient opened his eyes and stood up quickly like a normal person.

Without further ado, he was so excited that he knelt down towards Xiao Qingxing, kowtowed with tears streaming down his face, and thanked him, "Thank you immortal master for saving your life, thank you immortal master, thank you, thank you..."

Xiao Qingxing smiled at him, and used his spiritual power to support him, "Okay! Don't be too polite, go down quickly! When you get home, open the window, ventilate more, and then fumigate the room with vinegar, and it will It's fine!"

The man thanked him again and again, and looked back at Xiao Qingxing step by step, as if he wanted to keep him in his heart, and finally retreated, happily going home with his family, and then promoting it to others.

Next, Feng Bo and Eunuch Lin witnessed with their own eyes that Xiao Qingxing created miracles one after another.

In Xiao Qingxing's hands, every disease patient who was on the verge of death came back to life in the blink of an eye.

Feng Bo murmured in shock, "It's amazing! This fairy spell is really amazing! It's worthy of being a fairy!"

Eunuch Lin was also shocked from ear to ear, "It's really amazing!"

However, apart from being shocked, Eunuch Lin also had more thoughts in his mind, "If such a powerful immortal can be invited back to the palace and benefit the emperor, the emperor will be very happy, right?"

Eunuch Lin secretly made up his mind that when the matter here is over, no matter what, he will invite Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er into the palace to meet the emperor.

Not only Feng Bo and Eunuch Lin felt extremely shocked, but every commoner also felt extremely shocked.

Especially those people who got the disease and thought they were going to die soon were even more shocked and grateful. After they were saved, they kowtowed to Xiao Qingxing to thank him.

Xiao Qingxing also learned through the system elves that while he was saving people, the system plane coins, merit points, and power of faith were also rising rapidly.

However, no matter how many face coins there are, he will use them to buy life juice and then distribute them to the common people. Now he can't make any money.

All he can earn is merit points and the power of common people's belief in him.

Of course, for people like them, the most important thing is the merit value and the power of faith.

It took Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er five whole days to diagnose and treat day and night, and finally cured all the common people in Tongzhou City who had the disease.

The gate of Tongzhou City, which was originally closed, opened again.

People in the whole Tongzhou city cheered, beat gongs and drums, and set off firecrackers to celebrate their survival after the catastrophe this time.

Xiao Qingxing also received a notification and reward from the system for completing the task.

Eunuch Lin also took the opportunity to say to Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er, "Immortal Master, Fairy, this old slave here dares to invite Immortal Master and Fairy into the palace on behalf of the Emperor. I wonder if Immortal Master and Fairy can agree?"

After Eunuch Lin finished speaking, he looked at Xiao Qingxing anxiously, waiting for Xiao Qingxing's answer.

Xiao Qingxing thought that he had completed the task ahead of time, and he still had time to walk around and have a look.

After all, they finally came to this other world, and if they don't have fun, they will be sorry for this trip!

 PS: 8 is updated, thank you for your rewards and votes, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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