Chapter 1208 The Journey of Love
When Eunuch Lin thought that Xiao Qingxing would not agree, Xiao Qingxing suddenly said, "Eunuch Lin, you go back to the palace first! Let's take a look around first. If we are free, we will enter the palace." to meet His Majesty."

Eunuch Lin immediately asked, "I don't know where the fairy master and fairy want to go? This old slave can lead the fairy master and fairy."

Xiao Qingxing said with a smile, "No need! We will be more free if we go by ourselves."

He took out two small jade bottles from the space, and handed them to Feng Bo and Eunuch Lin respectively, "This is a nourishing qi pill, for Eunuch Lin and City Lord Feng, as a gift for our acquaintance, please accept it."

Eunuch Lin and City Master Feng stretched out their hands to take it flattered, and both bowed to express their thanks, "Thank you Immortal Master for giving me the pill!"

Xiao Qingxing smiled at them, "You're welcome! Then we'll go first, and we'll meet later!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er both flew into the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Feng Bo looked at the sky with reluctance, "Why did the fairy master and fairy leave like this? We haven't even invited them to a thank you feast yet!"

Eunuch Lin also said with emotion, "Yeah! How could they just leave like that? I really want to stay with them for a while, and if we can get more of their fairy spirit, our luck will definitely be better. !"

"you do not say!"

"Oh, what a pity! What a pity!"

Eunuch Lin finished with emotion, and hurriedly bid farewell to Feng Bo, "Master Feng, the miscellaneous family has to go back to Beijing to report the situation to the emperor, and we will meet later!"

Feng Bo tactfully presented Eunuch Lin with a bank note again, and said with a smile, "Eunuch Lin, if you have the opportunity, please speak kindly for the next official in front of the emperor!"

Eunuch Lin received the banknote, smiled and blinked at Feng Bo knowingly, "Definitely! Definitely!"

Feng Bo also smiled complacently, "Then the officer will send the eunuch out."

Eunuch Lin smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, "Then there is trouble."

After getting into the carriage, Eunuch Lin touched the health-preserving pill in his pocket and the stack of bank notes he had received in the past few days. He felt that this trip was really rewarding. Then he'd be fat.

Eunuch Lin took out the health-preserving pill again, opened the bottle cap and smelled it, the fragrance of the medicine entered his nostrils, and he immediately felt refreshed.

He wanted to pour it out and eat it, but he thought of the emperor again. In the end, he put the cap on the bottle with a face of reluctance, sighed softly, put the little jade bottle back into his arms, closed his eyes and rested.

But his heart was extremely restless.

He had heard a lot of legends about the fairy family, but this time, he really saw a real fairy!

Thinking of Xiao Qingxing's ability to fly around without a trace, and their ability to cure incurable diseases in the blink of an eye, Eunuch Lin really wanted to hug Xiao Qingxing's thigh, even if it was Be their slave.

It's a pity that he wants to lead the way for others, but they don't want him!well……

At this time, Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yuer, whom Eunuch Lin was thinking of, were driving around in a hovering car.

They also wandered casually without destination. When they saw beautiful scenery, they would come down to play, eat local snacks, and then go to the next stop.

Xiao Qingxing had already greeted Si Kouyao about the two of them staying here for a while.

Si Kouyao also asked him to take Xiao Yu'er to have a good time, and then go home when he got tired of playing.

(End of this chapter)

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