Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1213 Who dares to scheme against us?

Chapter 1213 Who dares to scheme against us?

Xiao Qingxing suddenly thought of what his mommy had told him before. Mommy said: His eldest brother has already created a branch of Sikou in another world. Ask him what he thinks?
Could it be that Mommy wants them to build a branch of the Sikou Palace in another world?
If this is the case, then he must find someone to help.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qingxing nodded directly and said, "Okay! You go first! I'll go find you later!"

Bai Hao got Xiao Qingxing's promise, and immediately laughed happily, "Okay, then I'll go back to the city first, and we'll wait for your visit, Master Immortal, at the gate of the city."

Xiao Qingxing smiled and nodded, "It's a deal!"

Bai Hao cupped his hands, "It's a deal!"

After finishing speaking, he quickly mounted his horse, flicked his whip in excitement, and galloped towards the capital with a group of generals.

After Xiao Qingxing watched Bai Hao and the others whip their horses away, he turned back and got into the car, only to find that Xiao Yu'er had woken up.

"Little Yuer, are you awake?"

Xiao Qingxing immediately thoughtfully took out a bottle of life juice from the space and handed it to her, "Come on, drink some water to moisten your throat."

Xiao Yuer was woken up when Xiaozheng came to ask questions.

But she didn't move, she just pricked up her ears to listen to the movement.

When they were gone, he opened his eyes.

She took the life juice handed over by Xiao Qingxing, took a sip, and asked him, "Are we really going to Beijing?"

Xiao Qingxing nodded, and turned to look at her, "Why, you don't want to go to Beijing to have fun? See how the ancient wealthy nobles and the royal family were like?"

Xiao Yu'er smiled and said, "I want to watch it, but I'm afraid there will be some trouble? In this TV series, those royal people are scary, let's not be tricked by others."

Xiao Qingxing chuckled, "Who dares to plot against us? As long as we don't plot against others!"

Xiao Yuer laughed loudly, "Haha, that's a big deal, just beat them up! Conquer them in the simplest and most brutal way!"

Xiao Qingxing reached out and pinched her little cheek, "You, just protect yourself! Let's go, sit still, let's go!"

Xiao Yuer quickly sat up straight, and seeing the little green dragon in her arms, she said to Xiao Qingxing again, "Little Xingxing, this little green dragon is still sleeping, why don't you put it away? You have a beast pet space?"

Xiao Qingxing nodded, "Yes, after I make a contract with Xiao Qinglong, he will be able to enter the animal pet space, come, give it to me!"

Xiao Yuer carefully handed Xiao Qinglong to him.

Xiao Qingxing threw it into the Lingtan of space in a blink of an eye.

Tossing it like this, Xiao Qinglong still didn't wake up, and still slept soundly.

After collecting the little green dragon, Xiao Qingxing drove the hovering car, and followed the system's instructions, heading towards the capital of the Canglong Kingdom.

The speed of the flying car is much faster than that of Bai Hao and the others riding a horse.

When Bai Hao and the others arrived at the gate of the capital, they found that Xiao Qingxing's hoverboard had already arrived.

Xiao Qingxing was afraid that stopping here would alarm others, so he activated the cloaking device. He didn't turn off the cloaking device until he saw Bai Hao and the others approaching, showing the appearance of a hovering car.

As soon as the hovering speed car took shape, it really attracted exclamations from those around.

"Ouch, what is this?"

"How does it float on it?"

"Oh, it can still fly?"

(End of this chapter)

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