Chapter 1214 Agitation
"Look, it seems to be following the young master of the Bai family all the time!"

"Yes! Could it be that it went to Bai's house? Let's go and see what's going on!"

"Let's go, let's go together!"

For novel things, everyone will have a little curiosity.

Some of the people who entered the city had nothing to do, and some were just guarding the gate of the city to inquire about various news. These people all ran behind Bai Hao and his horse.

When Bai Hao and the others saw these people chasing up to watch the excitement, they were angry and anxious.

They were really afraid that if the immortal master got angry and didn't go to their Bai's house, it would be a pity for them to miss a great opportunity.

Bai Hao left behind three generals who were responsible for stopping them and preventing them from going back to the Bai family.

The soldiers guarding the city gate quickly sent people into the palace to report the news after seeing the hovering car.

Xiao Qingxing had just entered the city, and unintentionally, he had already stirred up the situation in the capital.

The Bai family is the head of the four great families in the Canglong Kingdom. They will always produce generals from generation to generation, and they also control at least [-]% of the economic lifeline of the Canglong Kingdom. Even the emperor should be afraid of it.

The Bai family's ancestral house is just south of the capital city, and within a radius of tens of miles, it is all the land of the Bai family.

Before entering the Bai's house, you can see the tall gatehouse of the Bai's house, with overhanging eaves on the top, double-sided brick carvings on the door lintel, and four big characters engraved on the plaque - Virtue carries things!
After entering this gatehouse, you have to walk about 100 meters to reach the gate of the Bai family mansion.

At this time, the Bai family was in chaos because of Xiaozheng's announcement.

The Patriarch of the Bai Family, Bai Cunshan, yelled loudly to the surroundings, "The Immortal Master has come to our Bai Family! Everyone come out to welcome me!"

"The fairy master has come to our Bai family! Everyone come out to welcome me!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up! If you neglect the immortal master, see how I deal with you!!!"

With Xiao Qingxing's mental strength, seeing the majestic and majestic appearance of the Patriarch of the Bai family, he couldn't help laughing, "The Patriarch of the Bai family is quite interesting!"

Xiao Yu'er didn't use her energy to investigate, so she didn't know what he was laughing at, so she asked him with a puzzled look, "What's interesting?"

Xiao Qingxing shook his head, "It's nothing, I just think that the head of the Bai family seems to be a bold and interesting person, and the Bai family should be pretty good!"

Xiao Yu'er heard Xiao Qingxing's words, and said disapprovingly, "You know people, you know their faces, but you don't know your heart!"

Xiao Qingxing chuckled lightly and said, "I forgive them for not daring to play tricks in front of us!"

At this time, Bai Hao had already arrived at the gate of the Bai family mansion on horseback.

After he got off the horse, he gestured to Xiao Qingxing that he could come down.

Xiao Qingxing drove the hovering car to a slow stop.

The Patriarch of the Bai family, Bai Cunshan, had already led his family out to welcome him.

At this time, Xiao Qingxing's transformed image was that of long hair tied up with a jade crown, a fluttering white dress, skin like snow, a fairy spirit, and a peerless appearance.

Xiao Yu'er was also dressed in a white wide-sleeved skirt, with bright eyes and white teeth, snow-skinned red lips, delicate and beautiful, as clear as a flower, so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off them.

As soon as the two of them got off the hovering speed car, they shocked everyone instantly.

What a beautiful person! ! !

In their minds, all of them had such thoughts, these two people really deserved to be immortals!
At this glance, they are different from ordinary people, and one can see their extraordinaryness at a glance...

(End of this chapter)

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