Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1215 The magical effect of the panacea

Chapter 1215 The magical effect of the panacea

Bai Hao introduced them with a smile, "Father, this is Master Xiao, this is..."

Bai Hao had never met Xiao Yu'er before, so he didn't know how to introduce her.

Fortunately, Xiao Qingxing rescued him in time, and said with a faint smile, "This is my fiancee, surnamed Lin, you can call her Fairy Lin!"

Although Lin Yu's mother, Lin Xia, was reunited with Wei Bao, Lin Yu's name has not been changed, and she still follows her mother's surname.

Wei Bao mentioned it many times, but Lin Yu vetoed it. A few years ago, Lin Xia gave birth to another son, named Wei Jian.

Wei Bao also let her go.

Hearing Xiao Qingxing's introduction, Bai Hao nodded to Xiao Yu'er again, "So it's Fairy Lin, Bai Hao has seen Fairy Lin before."

At this time, the Patriarch of the Bai family, Bai Cunshan, also led the crowd to pay their respects, "I, Bai Cunshan, have met Immortal Master Xiao and Fairy Lin."

Both Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er nodded slightly in return, Xiao Qingxing said with a smile, "Patriarch Bai is being polite! We came here uninvited, please forgive me!"

Bai Cunshan said with a hearty smile, "Where is it, it is the honor of our entire Bai family to have the fairy master and fairy come here, and it will make our entire Bai family flourish!"

Xiao Qingxing was originally a straightforward person, but when he saw that Bai Cunshan was also such a person, he immediately became friends with him.

He took out a jade bottle from the space, "Patriarch Bai, we took the liberty to come here this time, and we didn't bring any gifts. There are five qi-nourishing elixir in here, a small gift, please accept it with a smile!"

"A qi-nourishing panacea?"

As soon as Bai Cunshan heard this word, he knew that it must be a good thing from the Xian family. He wanted it very much, but he felt a little embarrassed to accept this heavy gift for no reason, "Master Xian, you are too polite! What, what is this?" Excuse me?"

Xiao Qingxing threw the qi-nourishing elixir to him directly, and deliberately threatened with a serious face, "If you don't accept it, I won't enter your Bai family's door."

Bai Hao hurriedly persuaded, "Father, this is the great love of the immortal master for us, so you can accept it! Let's treat the immortal master well later. Immortal master, what do you think?"

Xiao Qingxing grinned at Bai Hao, "Not bad! Brother Bai Hao is a straightforward person, I like it!"

Only then did Bai Cunshan put away the qi nourishing elixir, and quickly welcomed Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er in.

After everyone sat down, Bai Cunshan introduced the Bai family members.

There are many members of the Bai family, and only the direct line can live in the main house, and there are dozens of people in this direct line.

Xiao Qingxing remembered all of them in his heart.

After introducing the person to Xiao Qingxing, Bai Cunshan smiled and exchanged greetings with Xiao Qingxing, "Where is Master Xiao's fairy mountain cave?"

Xiao Qingxing pointed to the sky, and said with a faint smile, "Fairy Lin and I came down from above, and we were ordered to come to rescue the people in Tongzhou City and eliminate the epidemic. After we finished the mission, we still have a little time to go." I want to stay here for a few more days and walk around, and Eunuch Menglin invited me again and again, so I came to Kyoto to have a look..."

After hearing Xiao Qingxing's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

Bai Cunshan stroked his beard and smiled lightly, "So that's how it is!"

Afterwards, Bai Cunshan asked Xiao Qingxing with some embarrassment, "Dare to ask the immortal master, can this Qi-nourishing panacea be given to the elderly, sick and weak?"

Xiao Qingxing said with a smile, "Of course, a qi-nourishing elixir can eliminate all diseases and make people healthy. Patriarch Bai, is there an old man in your family who is not in good health?"

 PS: 8 updates are over, thank you for the votes and rewards!mwah!
(End of this chapter)

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