Chapter 1216
Bai Cunshan nodded bitterly, and sighed softly, "To tell you the truth, my father and mother are old, and they are not in good health now, so they are all staying in the house. Otherwise, they will hear the fairy Fairy Master is here, I definitely want to come to see Master Xian and Fairy, and get a taste of your immortal blessing!"

Xiao Qingxing said with a smile, "Patriarch Bai, you can give this panacea to the old man to try now, and I can guarantee that the old man will definitely recover, just like ordinary people!"

Bai Cunshan almost jumped up happily, "Really? Then I'll let someone take it to them and eat it now!"

He was so excited that he wanted to run away by himself, but then he thought of accompanying Xiao Qingxing, so he changed his mouth, "Madam, this panacea, you can give the old man and mother a try!"

Mrs. Bai took the jade bottle, and obediently responded, "Okay! I'll go right away."

She blessed Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er again, "Master Immortal, Fairy, this concubine will retire first!"

Xiao Qingxing nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Madam, please!"

Seeing that Bai Cunshan and Bai Hao looked a little restless, Xiao Qingxing smiled empathetically, "Patriarch Bai, brother Bai Hao, why don't we go to see Master Bai and Mrs. Bai together?"

Bai Cunshan was flattered and said, "Oh, how can we have the nerve to work for the fairy master and the fairy?"

Xiao Qingxing stood up, "Let's go! Brother Bai Hao, please lead the way!"

Bai Hao also wanted to see how his grandpa and grandma were taking the elixir, so he immediately obeyed Xiao Qingxing's wishes, stood up with a smile, and walked ahead to lead them, "Fairy master, fairy, please follow me!"

The group of people surrounded Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er again, and walked towards the other end of the backyard in a mighty manner.

Mr. Bai and Mrs. Bai are old people who have loved each other for a lifetime.

Even if they are old and in poor health now, the two elders don't want to live separately, so they live in a big room with only two beds, but they can see each other at any time.

When Xiao Qingxing and the others arrived, Mrs. Bai had already served the old man of the Bai family to eat the health-preserving elixir.

At this time, Mrs. Bai was feeding the old lady of the Bai family with a health-preserving elixir.

The two old men were originally lying on the bed, relying on the best tonic to hang their lives.

After eating the health-preserving elixir given by Xiao Qingxing, the two elders instantly felt weak, as if their bodies were slowly recovering, and their vitality was also slowly recovering.

Soon, they felt that their old arms and legs were strong, and they could lift, move, and shake.

Then, their waists became stronger and they could sit up.

When Bai Cunshan and Bai Hao watched the old man and Mrs. Bai both sit up, they were all stunned.

Old Man Bai laughed loudly, "Children, are you so happy?"

Bai Cunshan strode forward, held Mr. Bai in his arms and sobbed, "Father, you are really well! God bless you! Immortal master bless you!"

Having said that, Bai Cunshan quickly let go of old man Bai, and introduced Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er to the old man, "Father, mother, take a look, this is Xiao Xianshi who came from the sky, this is Lin Fairy, what a blessing our Bai family is to have two fairy masters and fairies here, don't you think so?"

Both Mr. Bai and Mrs. Bai stood up, bowed to Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er, "Thank you, Fairy Master, for saving your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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