Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1219 Let him revive the glory of a man

Chapter 1219 Let him revive the glory of a man
"Health-preserving panacea?"

Dugu Wenjing immediately looked at Eunuch Lin who was standing by.

Eunuch Lin nodded to him, indicating that it was the panacea he had offered as a tribute, but Dugu Wenjing was suspicious and hadn't taken it yet.

Xiao Qingxing smiled lightly, "Your Majesty can take it with confidence. If this immortal master doesn't even have this ability, how can he save tens of millions of people in Tongzhou City?"

Dugu Wenjing smiled, then poured out a health-preserving elixir and put it directly into his mouth.

Dugu Wenjing's original body has been squeezed out by the concubines, and he is often weak all over, and there is pain here and there.

But at this time, he instantly felt as if a powerful force had been injected into his body, making him feel energetic all over.

Dugu Wenjing is much younger than Mr. Bai and Mrs. Bai, so after taking this health-preserving elixir, the effect will be much faster than those two elders.

After a while, Dugu Wenjing felt that his body had returned to his youthful state, and his whole body was full of energy. Even if he was allowed to guard ten concubines overnight, it would be fine.

When Dugu Wenjing felt that the medicine was almost absorbed, he stood up with a face of shock, and bowed deeply to Xiao Qingxing with eyes full of gratitude, "Thank you immortal master for giving me the pill! Let Wen Jing recover Healthy body! Thank you, thank you, thank you..."

Xiao Qingxing waved his hand and smiled softly, "Your Majesty, you are welcome!"

He smiled secretly in his heart: This young master wants to make you submit, but you must not show some real skills for you to see!
Dugu Wenjing is indeed convinced now.

Although Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er cured the thousands of diseases in Tongzhou City before, he didn't see it with his own eyes, so when he told this fairy family, he still had doubts in his heart.

But now, he has personally experienced the benefits of the panacea, and he is excited.

You know, this body's vitality is exhausted, even an imperial doctor can only replenish his vitality, but he cannot eradicate the cause of the disease.

But this little panacea eliminated the cause of disease that had troubled him for many years in the blink of an eye, so how could it not make Dugu Wenjing's heart move?
No matter what kind of character a man is, since he is sitting on the dragon seat and has so many beauties in the harem, he naturally hopes that he can conquer the women in the entire harem every night, and let them lie under him and scream surrender .

Before Dugu Wenjing was in poor health, he was already weak, and every time he performed intercourse, he had to take the medicine of tiger and wolf, so that he could barely finish the job.

But the more he took this medicine for tigers and wolves, the more damage it would do to his body.

But if he does not take the medicine of tiger and wolf, he will not have the ability to have intercourse. If it is spread, he will not be laughed to death by the world.

This becomes a vicious circle.

Therefore, Dugu Wenjing kept thinking in his heart, as long as anyone could restore his might and majesty, he would worship that person as a god.

And now this person finally appeared.

Dugu Wenjing looked at Xiao Qingxing with eyes as if looking at a national treasure, and his attitude was much more enthusiastic than before, "Master, fairy, why don't you stay in our Canglong Kingdom in the future, how about I treat you as a national teacher?"

Xiao Qingxing said with a smile, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the invitation. It's a pity that we are members of the Immortal family, and we have a limited time to stay outside. After all, we still have to return to the Immortal family..."

Dugu Wenjing took another step back and asked, "Then can I ask the fairy master and fairy to stay in the palace for a while?"

Xiao Qingxing thought for a while, then nodded, "OK!"

(End of this chapter)

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