Chapter 1220
Dugu Wenjing was overjoyed, "Then it's settled, fairy master and fairy, please move to the Yingbin Palace, where I have set up a feast to welcome the fairy master and fairy into the palace! Fairy master, fairy, please!"

Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er also stood up, "Please, Your Majesty!"

Under the personal guidance of Dugu Wenjing, Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er arrived at the Welcome Palace.

Only then did they discover that the entire Yingbin Palace was brightly lit, with fragrant clothes and temples, and singing and dancing...

Eunuch Lin pulled his neck and shouted three times excitedly, "The emperor is here!"

"The Immortal Master is here!"

"The fairy is here!"

All the children of the royal family and concubines who were waiting in the Yingbin Palace quickly got up, walked to the middle, lined up quickly, and then knelt down, "Long live the emperor!"

"Long live the immortal master!"

"Long live the fairy!"

These shouted honorifics were not made by them indiscriminately, but after Dugu Wenjing's permission and approval, they were allowed to shout in unison.

Dugu Wenjing stretched out his hands, "Your lords, please forgive me, let me be flat!"

Everyone quickly stood up again, raised their eyes to look behind Dugu Wenjing, and were immediately amazed by Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er's immortal aura.

Such a peerless demeanor...

Such a delicate and beautiful...

So naturally extraordinary...

Such a fairy family character fascinated the hearts of the royal boys and girls in the welcoming palace.

Dugu Wenjing respectfully invited Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er to sit down at the top seat.

Then, Dugu Wenjing stood up and introduced to everyone present, "This is Master Xiao from the heaven."

Xiao Qingxing nodded slightly to everyone, and said softly, "Hello everyone!"

His voice was as clear and pleasant as the sounds of nature floating from the sky, as if there was a hand that gently touched the heartstrings of everyone, making people feel good.

Especially those royal girls, all of them blushed and looked at him shyly and timidly, begging him to take a look at them.

Dugu Wenjing introduced to everyone again, "This is Fairy Lin, and she is also Master Xiao's fiancée!"

Why did Dugu Wenjing specifically emphasize this point?

He was also young, and he could see the thoughts of the boys and girls in the royal family at a glance.

He was afraid that they would offend Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er by being reckless and not knowing the seriousness, which would be an unforgivable big mistake for him!

Now he is trying his best to keep Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er. If they spoil the plan, he must be mad at him to death!

Of course, it's not that Dugu Wenjing has never thought about beauty tricks, but we have to talk about this after testing Xiao Qingxing's meaning!

Looking at the ready-to-move appearance of these people, aren't you afraid of disturbing the immortal master?
That's why Dugu Wenjing said this on purpose, reminding and warning those people in His Highness, be careful, don't be so embarrassing.

These members of the imperial family were all smart people, so they naturally understood what Dugu Wenjing meant by what he said, and each of them immediately restrained their thoughts, and began to make up their minds in private.

The banquet of this night lasted until eleven o'clock in the evening.

Dugu Wenjing asked Eunuch Lin to arrange for Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yuer to live in Zunzong Palace.

When all the palace people retreated, Xiao Yu'er slumped on the brocade couch without any image, "Mom, it's so tiring! I'm so tired from laughing!"

Xiao Qingxing smiled lightly and glanced at her, "You don't have to smile, and put on a cold fairy look to scare them!"

(End of this chapter)

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