Chapter 1233 Building Dungeons
The common people began to feel dazzled when they saw the rushing river.

When they found out that it was true, they all knelt down excitedly, kept praying, shed tears of joy, and said words of gratitude, "God bless! Immortal master bless!"

"God bless! Immortal master bless!"

Xiao Qingchen was floating in the sky, seeing the people below thanking him, he also had a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in his heart.

And he also gained priceless merit and power of faith.

The exhaustion of casting spells before, and the hard work of looking for water sources in various places, suddenly became so meaningful.

Xiao Qingchen's mood exploded again.

The next day, he embarked on a journey to find water again.

Every time Xiao Qingchen solves the severe drought in a place, he can get a lot of plane coins, merit points and power of faith.

By the time he solved the drought in the entire Wuyuan Continent, his merit value had already reached an astonishing level that could offset the Thunder Tribulation.

As long as Xiao Qingchen's cultivation base has reached, he can directly be promoted to a true immortal, and directly ascend to the fairy world.

Before the one-month deadline expired, Xiao Qingchen finally waited until the system confirmed that his task was completed.

After that, Xiao Qingchen immediately contacted Si Kou Yao, borrowed Si Kou Yao's teleportation array of space planes, and returned to Earth.

After the fourth brother Xiao Qingchen returned home, he found that his second brother Xiao Qingguo, third brother Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yuer had all returned one step earlier than him.

Only the elder brothers Xiao Qingzhou and Lingdai have not come back yet.

The fourth child asked Si Kouyao, "Mommy, when will big brother come back?"

Si Kouyao chuckled, "Your elder brother's task is heavier than yours. You can come back after completing the task. Your elder brother wants to rebuild a new world in the last days. How can it be so easy? His task will take three years to complete." Finish……"

The three brothers immediately expressed sympathy, "Poor big brother! Pray for him!"

The fourth child asked again, "Mommy, do you want us to help elder brother?"

Si Kouyao shook her head, "No need! This is a test task. If you fail, how will your elder brother take over the position of president in the future? Or, you guys should take the initiative, who will come out to take your father's place?"

The second child, the third child, and the fourth child shook their heads quickly.

The second child said directly, "Don't, don't, Mommy, leave such a great matter to the eldest brother!"

The third child also laughed, "That's right! I'd better take Xiao Yu'er and continue to train disciples from other worlds."

The fourth child hugged Si Kouyao's arm, "I still like to accompany Mommy, practice and practice, and live a leisurely life."

Si Kouyao looked at her three precious sons with a grin, "You guys, don't you feel sorry for your big brother at all?"

The three babies said in unison, "Of course not! If Big Brother needs our help, we will definitely help!"

At this time, the boss they cared about, Xiao Qingzhou, after killing the mutant ancient tree that commanded the tentacle monsters to attack them, began to lead his subordinates to build a new dungeon.

As long as this underground city is built, the zombies on the ground will not be able to attack.

The survivors in the dungeon can also be safe and sound. As long as they don't go to the ground, they can live a stable life in the dungeon.

After a month of hard work, the Sikou Hall built by the boss Xiao Qingzhou in this end-of-the-world plane has nearly [-] people.

It is very difficult to solve the problem of food and housing for so many people.

(End of this chapter)

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