Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1234 If you don't achieve your goal, you will never give up!

Chapter 1234 If you don't achieve your goal, you will never give up!
Fortunately, Xiao Qingzhou has built a very good team, and there is a super-defying mommy behind him who gives him unlimited support and encouragement.

Although Xiao Qingzhou felt very tired, but when he saw Lingdai, his brothers and sisters, and his mother all supporting him so strongly, fighting side by side with him, and working hard to move forward, he felt It feels like there is a steady stream of energy, urging him to move forward, and then move forward...

If you don't achieve your goal, you will never give up!
The base of the dungeon built by Xiao Qingzhou was named after Sikou Temple.

The underground city is divided into inner city and outer city.

In the inner city, only the internal and external disciples who worshiped in the Sikou Hall are eligible to live, and the environment is also the best.

Xiao Qingzhou set up a huge spirit gathering array in the inner city. As long as the disciples live in it, even if they don't practice, their life expectancy will be longer than ordinary people, and their bodies will be healthier.

The outer city is for those ordinary people who have not entered the Sikou Palace, but are eligible to enter the underground city to live.

These ordinary people must work to get paid according to their work in exchange for food.

Half a year later, the dungeon has become extremely large and has a very good reputation. Countless survivors have rushed to the dungeon of Sikou Palace.

The persons in charge of the other major bases expressed great concern for the dungeon of Si Kou Temple that was born out of nowhere.

They sent gang after gang of spies, wanting to find out the secrets of this dungeon, and even more want to get this safe and worry-free dungeon.

It's a pity that after every one of their spies came here, they all died before they left.

Xiao Qingzhou also forcefully sent warning letters to the major bases. If he dared to send spies over to test his bottom line, he would see one and kill one!If he is angered, he will destroy their base!
Along with this strong warning letter, Xiao Qingzhou showed high-tech equipment such as hovering cars and air battleships.

The person in charge of several major bases was even more shocked, and there was the picture of Xiao Qingzhou flying proudly above the sky, holding a fairy sword, looking down at them and seeing them like ants.

Seeing such powerful armaments and equipment, and seeing such a powerful Xiao Qingzhou, the people in charge of several major bases quickly withered away, and dared not send spies over, nor dared to say a word, for fear that Xiao Qingzhou would really Come and kill them.

They really can't afford to provoke a person who is so powerful that he is like a god descending from the earth!
As time goes on, the people in the dungeon get better and better.

As for the other bases, as supplies became less and less, and after encountering difficulties such as zombie siege, they finally collapsed one after another.

The survivors who were still alive all rushed towards the dungeon of Sikou Palace.

Two years later.

Xiao Qingzhou ruled the doomsday and became the master of the new generation of doomsday, known as "Emperor Xiao".

three years later.

All the zombies in the last days were wiped out.

In the last days, order was restored.

Under the leadership of Xiao Huang, whom everyone loves, the new world rebuilt in the last days has become more beautiful and stronger.

They have also been promoted from the original ordinary mortal plane to a higher level of cultivation plane.

Xiao Qingzhou contributed a lot.

His merit value has also reached a frighteningly high level, not only can offset the catastrophe, but also like his mother, he has forged a golden body of merit.

At the end of the three-year period, Xiao Qingzhou successfully returned with Lingdai and a full reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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