Chapter 1252 A historic moment!
Xiao Chifeng smiled lightly, "This is also a kind of life experience, which can enrich his life and sharpen his state of mind and will. It will definitely be beneficial to his future."

Si Kou Yao nodded, "Okay! I don't worry about it anymore, isn't it just 20 years! For those of us who live thousands of years, it's just a little bit of time. If we really miss him, we can Come down and see him, when he misses us, he can also fly up to the fairy world to see us with his current real immortal body!"

Xiao Chifeng smiled and nodded, "You're right if you think so!"

For the next period of time, everyone is making final preparations for Ascension to the Immortal Realm.

In the last two months, Si Kouyao also gave his disciples a holiday, allowing them to go home and reunite with their relatives for a period of time.

Their cultivation base is not high, and after flying to the fairy world, it is impossible to come back at any time!

They can only practice hard in the fairy world, take advantage of the environment advantage of the fairy world with strong fairy spirit, and break through as soon as possible. With the cultivation base of a real fairy, Si Kouyao can assign them the position of time and space administrator, and they can have Opportunity to walk around in the mortal world.

In the blink of an eye, more than two months have passed.

At the time of parting, Ye Tianling, Huo Zhiyuan, Dong Xi and their three mothers hugged them and cried non-stop.

Their father was training his wife, "This is a good thing, why are you crying? Really! It's not like the children will never come back. Didn't you listen to the fairy? After a year, the new president will Married, when the time comes, they will all come back!"

All three mothers said, "I just don't want my child to leave!"

"Okay, okay, don't cry, let's get on the plane and send the children to Kyoto!"

Ye Tianling, Huo Zhiyuan, Dong Xihe waved to the relatives who came to say goodbye, "Goodbye! We will be back!!!"

The relatives of the Ye family, the Huo family, and the Dong family, as well as the friends of the three of them, waved at them reluctantly, watching them board the plane to Kyoto with envy.

This time, I don't know when we will meet again.

July 2034, 8, 8:9 am.

In the People's Square of Huatian Empire, there are huge crowds of people.

A huge event of Ascension to the Immortal Realm that shocked the whole world is about to take place here.

The common people of Huatian Empire have already learned this amazing news from TV and major media early in the morning.

Their former president, Xiao Chifeng, and his wife, Si Kouyao, will take a group of direct disciples of Si Kou Dian, as well as those close relatives and friends, to ascend to the fairy world together.

Everyone was shocked and envious after hearing the news.

At this moment, they finally believed in the long-standing legend that the fairy world really exists!
Common people rushed to Kyoto from all directions, all wanting to participate and witness this historic moment.


Si Kouyao began to count the personnel who were going to ascend.

Shen Qing's family...

The Baiyan family...

Gong Chen's family...

Wei Bao's family...

Feiying and Song Changqing's family...

Xu Bo, Sun Ma and Xiao Jinlai's parents...

Yan Ting, Golden Dragon, Wooden Dragon, Water Dragon, Fire Dragon, Earth Dragon, Wind Dragon...

Prince Dibo is temporarily unable to leave because he wants to take over the throne.

He still smiled unrulyly, "When my son grows up, if there is still a chance, I will follow you!"

(End of this chapter)

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