Chapter 1253 I Will Miss You!

Xiao Chifeng patted Prince Dibo's shoulder vigorously, "We'll be waiting for you!"

Hearing his words, Prince Dibo's eyes turned red instantly.

He also stretched out his hand and patted Xiao Chifeng's chest lightly, and said with a choked voice, "The luckiest thing in my life is that I met you, and my sister-in-law, little maniac, I really miss you all!"

At the end, Prince Dibo hugged Xiao Chifeng with his arms, and rubbed vigorously on his shoulder. He wiped the uncontrollable tear from the corner of his eye on Xiao Chifeng's shoulder. When he raised his eyes again, , His eyes were a charming clear blue as deep as the sea.

Xiao Chifeng also opened his arms and hugged him vigorously, then let him go.

Si Kou Yao is also saying her final farewell to Mu Tingyu and Tang Tiantian, "Brother, Tian Tian, ​​I will leave the Si Kou Palace to you, and we will wait for you up there. I hope you can ascend as soon as possible and reunite with us." .”

Mu Tingyu still smiled softly, "Junior Sister, don't worry! Tiantian and I will definitely guard the Sikou Palace and work hard to make the Sikou Palace flourish. We will never let you worry too much! You can rest assured!"

Si Kou Yao smiled and nodded, "Thank you for your hard work!"

Mu Tingyu and Tang Tiantian replied in unison, "No hard work!"

Finally, Si Kouyao walked up to her eldest son Xiao Qingzhou and Ling Dai.

She looked at Xiao Qingzhou with relief and reluctance, reached out to caress the face of the eldest son, her eyes gradually turned red, "Xiaozhou..."

Xiao Qingzhou directly held his mother in his arms with open arms, and smiled softly, "Mommy, we have said what we should say. My son is here to wish Mommy a healthy and long life forever. See you next year!"

Si Kou Yao gave a light "um", the tears in the corners of her eyes still slid down silently...

She is really reluctant!
The sons are the flesh cut out of her body. She really wishes to keep them by her side forever, and wants to protect them forever, preventing them from suffering any wind, rain and setbacks.

But when the child grows up, he will eventually spread his wings and fly.

No matter how much it hurts, no matter how reluctant she is, she still wants to...let go!
Si Kouyao put her emotions in order, reached out and patted her son's back, "Son, remember to video chat with Mommy when you have time, and let Mommy and Dad know your recent situation, so Mommy and Dad can rest assured, you know?"

Xiao Qingzhou smiled and nodded, "Mummy, I know! Even if you don't confess, I will do it, and I will miss you all!"

Si Kou Yao nodded with red eyes, and patted him lightly to express her understanding.

Si Kouyao looked at Lingdai who was on the side again, and reached out to hold Lingdai, "Dai'er, Xiaozhou will be taken care of by you."

Lingdai nodded obediently, and said sweetly, "Master, don't worry! I will definitely take good care of Brother Qingzhou!"

Si Kou Yao reached out and stroked her head gently, "You are a good boy!"

Si Kouyao turned to Xiao Qingzhou again and said, "Xiaozhou, you have to protect Dai'er well and don't let anyone bully Dai'er. If anyone who doesn't have a good eye comes up to me, just beat me to death, you know ?"

Xiao Qingzhou smiled and said, "Mum, I know! It's getting late, you should go!"

Si Kouyao patted him lightly, and said with a fond smile, "You brat, you have disliked Mommy so quickly, you wish we could leave quickly, so no one cares about you, right?"

Xiao Qingzhou also echoed her words with a smile, "That's right, that's right, let's go, let's go..."

Both mother and son wanted to dilute the lingering sorrow of parting in their hearts by joking.

(End of this chapter)

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