Chapter 1255 Reunion with Dad 1
The colorful beam of light that greeted Si Kouyao and the others was the passageway to the fairy world opened by the new Immortal Emperor Leng Qingjue, directly leading them up.

Originally, if a mortal ascends to the Immortal World, if the merit value is not enough, he must accept the baptism of the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation and pass the test of the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation before he can ascend to the Immortal World.

Those on the skycar, Si Kou Yao, Xiao Chifeng, her three sons, and Shen Qing have accumulated enough merit points, and the others have no merit points.

But the heavenly thunder calamity that should have been suffered was all waved by the immortal emperor coldly, saving him.

Only Si Kou Yao can enjoy the treatment that allows the Immortal Emperor to directly lead him to become an Immortal.

The others all followed her.

When they passed through the seven-color beam of light, they suddenly discovered that the energy in the seven-color beam of light was rapidly integrating into their bodies.

Si Kouyao also found out, and hurriedly reminded them, "This is the power of Ascension's fairy spirit. Hurry up and absorb it, absorb as much as you can, quickly..."

As Si Kouyao said, he removed the canopy of the flying car, so that everyone could directly bathe in the seven-color beam of light, so that the seven-color light could directly shine on everyone's body.

Everyone in the flying car quickly followed Si Kou Yao's instructions and sucked the power of the fairy into their bodies.

After a while, Si Kou Yao heard them cheering one after another.

"Ahhh, I broke through!"

"I also broke through, or directly broke through the second level!"

"I also broke through, my God! My spiritual power seems to have been transformed into the power of fairy spirits!"

"Mine too! I feel like my energy has multiplied! It's amazing! It's amazing!"

Ever since they embarked on the road of cultivating immortals, they have often seen or experienced these miraculous, dream-like beautiful things with their own eyes.

Their original cognition of things is also being impacted time and time again, constantly being refreshed...

Everyone in the ascension has benefited greatly from this ascension.

The blood and flesh of each of them have been baptized by the power of the fairy.

The ordinary spiritual power in their bodies has also been transformed into the unique fairy power of the fairy world.

Following the guiding channel of the colorful beam of light, Si Kou Yao's flying car also landed directly on the guiding platform of the Immortal Realm.

Si Kou Yao saw Si Kou Yu, Na Lanyan, and Leng Qingjue standing on the reception platform at a glance.

There are also many accompanying heavenly soldiers and generals standing around, protecting the safety of the immortal emperor Leng Qingjue.

Si Kouyao was so happy that she narrowed her eyes and cheered, "Father, Mommy, Uncle Leng..."

After finishing speaking, she flew towards Si Kou Yu excitedly, and hugged him vigorously, "Father, I miss you so much!"

Si Kou Yu stroked her head lightly, "Silly girl, if I told you to come up earlier, you wouldn't come up, and let us miss you for so many years, hmph..."

Si Kou Yao grinned at him, "We're here! From now on, our family can be together every day!"

After finishing speaking, Si Kouyao hugged her mother again, "Mommy, I miss you too!"

Nalanyan smiled softly, "Well, Mommy misses you very much too! Mommy is looking forward to you coming up every day! Now it's all right, our family is finally reunited."

Si Kouyao was so happy that she giggled, "Yeah, it's great to be reunited at last, we don't have to think about it anymore..."

(End of this chapter)

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