Chapter 1256 Reunion with Dad 2
Finally, Si Kouyao looked at her most respected and beloved Uncle Leng.

She also opened her hand and gave Leng Qingjue a big hug, "Uncle Leng, thank you for helping Yao'er all the time. Now that I am in the fairy world, I will honor you with the children in the future! Just like my old man Just like daddy, if daddy has it, you must have it!"

Hearing her words, Leng Qingjue laughed happily and said, "Okay, Yao'er is so good, Uncle Leng really didn't dote on you in vain..."

Xiao Chifeng, the second child Xiao Qingguo, the third child Xiao Qingxing, the fourth child Xiao Qingchen, and the little fans also all went up to meet Si Kou Yu and Na Lanyan, and then Leng Qingjue.

Si Kouyu and Nalanyan looked at the good-looking grandchildren who were also outstanding, and they were so happy that they were from ear to ear. Nalanyan even hugged each other and said, "Good boy, good boy..."

In particular, the little fan group who looks very similar to Si Kou Yao has received special favor from Si Kou Yu, Na Lanyan, and Leng Qingjue.

From now on, there will be one more little fairy that everyone loves in this fairy world.

Finally, as in-laws, Mr. Xiao, Grandma Xiao, Xiao Dingtian, and Zheng Yiling also stepped forward to greet each other with Si Kou Yu and Na Lanyan, and exchanged a few words of greeting with a smile.

The others also stepped forward to salute Si Kou Yu and Nalan Yan one by one, and then saluted Leng Qingjue.

Originally, they were still worried. After entering the Immortal Realm, the immortals here are so powerful. Will they be bullied by these powerful immortals?

Seeing that even the Immortal Emperor was covering Si Kou Yao now, their worries were relieved.

If they knew that even Patriarch Hongjun loved Si Kouyao and treated her like a granddaughter, then they would be even more shocked, more honored, and more at ease.

Leng Qingjue smiled and said to Si Kou Yao, "Yao'er, I have already prepared a mansion for you, you take them and come with me!"

Si Kou Yao playfully saluted Leng Qingjue, "Obey!"

When Si Kou Yao brought everyone back to the mansion that Leng Qingjue had prepared for her, Si Kou Yao and everyone were shocked when they saw this majestic, spacious and magnificent mansion!

Si Kouyao looked at Leng Qingjue gratefully, "Uncle Leng, this house is really wonderful, how can I thank you?"

Leng Qingjue laughed and said, "I want to thank me, it's not easy, just give me a few more altars of fairy wine!"

Si Kou Yao immediately responded, "Okay! Go back and settle down, and I'll get you dozens of jars of good wine right away, so you can drink your fill!"

Leng Qingjue smiled with satisfaction, "That's enough! Go in and have a look! If there is anything you don't like, you can correct it according to your own ideas. This place is close to Asgard and the Space-Time Management Bureau. If you want to find me or work Very convenient."

Si Kou Yao smiled and nodded, "Uncle Leng, you are so considerate."

Xiao Chifeng on the side looked at the charming Lonely Jue, and saw his wife talking and laughing with him all the time, his heart was so sore.

But with so many elders here, he was embarrassed to tell Si Kouyao not to talk to Leng Qingjue, and not to smile so happily at other men, he could only hold his anger in his heart, and his face became more and more tense...

When Si Kouyao felt the air-conditioning on Xiao Chifeng's body getting heavier, she finally came to her senses.

Looking at this jealous man, Si Kouyao shook her head helplessly, and could only use voice transmission to comfort him, "Ah Chi, Uncle Leng is like a family member like my father, you are jealous again, aren't you?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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