Chapter 1258 Reunion with Dad 4
Si Kouyao also smiled and said to everyone, "Sure enough, ginger is still hot! When you have time, you should think about what the old man said. Since we have come to the fairyland, it is time to re-plan our future life and goals. .”

The words of Mr. Xiao and Si Kouyao really reminded them, how should they go in the future?
Especially as the leaders of their group, Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao have to think more and make more detailed plans, so that they can follow in the footsteps of their husband and wife and continue to move forward with purpose.

Only if they are united, can they make a career in the fairy world, a place full of power and strong people.

After walking around the entire mansion garden, everyone returned to the lobby of the main building.

At this time, the housekeeper Yan Qing had already ordered five large carved round tables to be set up in the spacious lobby.

The bowls and chopsticks have been set up on each table, and the dishes can be served directly just waiting for everyone to take their seats.

Si Kou Yu, Na Lanyan, Leng Qingjue, Mr. Xiao, Grandma Xiao, Xiao Dingtian, Zheng Yiling, Si Kouyao, Xiao Chifeng, and a small fan group sat at the main table.

The others sat at four other tables.

Si Kou Yao ordered, "Serve the food!"

Soon, there was a row of maids carrying trays and serving plates of exquisite delicacies from the fairy world.

As soon as the lid covering the dish was opened, the rich aroma of the dish filled the entire lobby in an instant, making your mouth water.

After all the dishes were served, Si Kouyao took out the top-quality spirit wine in the space and asked the maid standing by to fill it up for everyone.

Then, Si Kou Yao stood up, picked up the wine glass, and said with a smile to everyone, "Today is a day of great joy, and it is also the day we start a new journey."

"Here, besides my parents, the person I want to thank the most is my Uncle Leng."

"He is not only the Bole who appreciates and supports me, but also a great benefactor who has given me the grace to rebuild. It can be said that without him, I would not be where I am today! Come, let's have a toast for my parents and Uncle Leng first!"

Everyone stood up, held up their wine glasses, and shouted in unison, "Cheers!"

After drinking the first cup of top-quality spirit wine, everyone felt a warm current spreading out from their stomachs instantly, and the blood all over their bodies became hot.

After Si Kouyao drank the first glass of wine, she continued to say to everyone, "For the second glass of wine, I would like to thank my family, as well as my father, grandma, father-in-law and mother-in-law, for their support and love for me. I also thank them for being willing to accompany me wholeheartedly to advance together, thank you my dears! Come on, let's do it together again!"

This second cup, we all did it together again.

After drinking the second glass of wine, Mr. Xiao laughed loudly, "Girl, if we really want to talk about this thank you, it should be our Xiao family thanking you. If there is no lucky star like you, then we don't have it now." Fufu is sitting here drinking, don't you think?"

Grandma Xiao also smiled and said, "Your grandfather is right, Yao'er, we should thank you! We are all enjoying the great blessing with you now!"

Xiao Dingtian and Zheng Yiling also nodded vigorously, echoing the words of the two elders in unison.

Si Kouyao smiled again and continued, "For this third glass of wine, I would like to thank the brothers, sisters and friends who have always followed me and Ah Chi, and have never left. Come, this glass is a toast to you!!!"

 PS: Dear friends, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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