Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1259 New changes in the system space

Chapter 1259 New changes in the system space
Everyone smiled and toasted again, and they all drank it.

Each of them felt excited, excited, and excited in their hearts.

They are full of wonderful fantasies about the future.

They also believed that Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao would definitely lead them to a new but still brilliant future.

After Si Kouyao finished toasting the three glasses of wine, they stepped forward one by one and warmly toasted Si Kou Yu, Leng Qingjue, Mr. Xiao, Xiao Dingtian, Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao one by one.

After drinking this round after round, until the end, everyone was a little drunk.

But everyone is happy, really happy.

Even when lying in bed at night, everyone was dreaming with happiness and happy smiles.

Their new life in the fairy world has finally begun...


space in the bedroom.

Si Kou Yao faintly woke up in Xiao Chifeng's arms.

Xiao Chifeng caressed her silky and delicate back, the beautiful touch made him nostalgic, and he was reluctant to take his hand back.

When he saw Si Kou Yao opened his eyes, he kissed her forehead and asked softly, "Have you had enough sleep?"

Si Kou Yao nodded and asked him, "What time is it outside?"

They are used to resting and sleeping in the space every day. The time ratio of the space allows them to have more time to study and practice.

Xiao Chifeng replied, "It's still early, probably only one or two o'clock in the morning!"

Si Kou Yao raised her eyes and asked him, "Then let's go to Lingquan Pool to practice!"

Xiao Chifeng nodded with a smile, he was in a good mood after being fed by her, he was just what his wife said, very docile.

Si Kouyao hugged him, and with a thought, the two of them teleported into the Lingquan Pool.

Si Kouyao now finds more and more that this space of hers is really a heaven-defying treasure.

When I was in Mortal Realm before, what was in this space was aura.

Now in the Immortal Realm, everything in this space is full of fairy spirit.

Si Kouyao also specifically asked Elf Xiaoxiao, Xiao Xiaoxiao, "This system space itself has an internal and external circulation system, which can absorb external power and use it for the system space. Therefore, if there is aura outside the mortal world, it draws aura For her use; the outside of the fairy world is the spirit of the fairy, and it extracts the spirit of the fairy for her use."

Si Kouyao asked again, "Xiao Xiao, will this system space be upgraded again?"

Xiaoxiao replied, "It depends on you as the host. If your cultivation base continues to increase, the system space should continue to be upgraded, but Xiaoxiao doesn't know what will happen after the upgrade... "

Si Kouyao blinked in confusion, "Even you don't know? Why? Didn't you know exactly what functions the system space has after the upgrade before? Why don't you know this time?"

Xiao Xiao replied again, "The setting of this system space, logically speaking, is the system space of the fairy level. It should have reached the top level after the host reaches the real fairy."

"When I was in the Mortal Realm, that's all the information I knew. However, after the host officially ascended to the Immortal Realm, the upgrade function of the system space seemed to be enabled again. Upgrade, but after the upgrade, what will happen after this? I don't know."

Si Kou Yao gave a light "Oh", and then told Xiao Xiao, "Xiao Xiao, pay more attention to the changes in the system space, and I will try to upgrade as soon as possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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