Chapter 1276
Just as everyone was screaming incessantly, several Zi family elders who had been unable to retreat also came out.

They raised their sharp eyes, and when they saw the 20 yuan shattered life card, their transparent eyes also shot out a piercing cold light.

In the end, they cast their eyes on Patriarch Zi.

The Great Elder Zi Changde lost a grandson who performed well, and he was deeply saddened.

But he still had reason, so he held back the grief in his heart, and asked in a deep voice, "Zi Xun, what's going on?"

Patriarch Zi bowed to the elders with a face of grief, and said with a crying voice, "Elders, it is Zi Xun who is incompetent! Our Zi family has been bullied, and I, Zi Xun, don't even I know, Zi Xun will send someone to investigate..."

Zi Changde sneered, and shouted angrily, "What else do you want to check? Don't you know how to use the technique of going back in time?"

Zi Xun seemed to have realized it at this time, and hurriedly responded, "Yes, yes, it is possible to use the technique of time regression, it is possible to use the technique of time regression..."

He originally wanted to use the theory of investigation, and when he came back, he would use another set of rhetoric to deceive these elders.

But he did not expect that the Great Elder Zi Changde would be so shrewd that he would directly ask him to use the technique of going back in time to restore the truth and find out the real culprit.

If they really use the technique of going back in time, what if the truth they see is that their Zi family made a big mistake?Moreover, were the three daughters of his family the first to make mistakes?Then how should he explain to these elders?

Great Elder Zi Changde had a bad premonition when he saw Zi Xun clearly respecting them, but secretly unwilling to use the technique of time regression.

His own grandson also died in this incident. Is there really something tricky about this incident?
Zi Changde narrowed his eyes, without saying a word, he directly took the fragment of his grandson's life card, facing the fragment of the life card, and directly cast the time retrogression technique.

A transparent light curtain quickly appeared in the void, and on the light curtain, a picture of the Zi family before their death appeared...

The twenty Zi family first released ten fairy beasts raised by the Zi family, and culled them towards the young men and women who had experienced experience in the Longevity Mountain Range...

Immediately afterwards, they saw a scene that they will never forget...

Two giant dragons, one blue and one golden, appeared...

A handsome man with super strength appeared...

All ten fairy beasts in their family were killed.

Immediately afterwards, Fairy Ziyun ordered them to transform into different appearances, and the twenty Zi family members rushed towards those boys again.

At first, people from their Zi family even injured those teenagers. Everyone from the Zi family smiled cruelly, thinking they were about to win.

The result can be...

Another fairy king with a fairy sword appeared...

It was as simple as chopping vegetables for him to kill people from the Zi family.

The twenty core elite disciples of the Zi family, including the three sisters of the Zi family, died under his fairy sword one by one, and none of them even managed to escape the fairy baby.

The Zi family members who were present felt the chills all of them.

The opponent's attack was too ruthless!

There is no room left!
They are going to punish the people of the Zi family to death!

Even the Great Elder Zi Changde was shocked.

What is the origin of these people?
Don't they know the details of the Zi family?How dare you kill the members of the Zi family without hesitation, dare to confront the Zi family directly?

(End of this chapter)

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