Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1277 Give us an explanation!

Chapter 1277 Give us an explanation!
As the great elder among the elders, Zi Changde has the right to supervise the actions of the current Patriarch.

If the head of the house does not act, or behaves improperly, he can lead the elders, urge the head of the house, and even remove the head of the house.

Zi Changde has lived for thousands of years, and there are some things that he can guess without thinking too much.

His sharp eyes swept towards the patriarch Zi Xun, who had a blue face, and asked in a deep voice, "Zi Xun, an elite disciple of the Zi family, why do you want to besiege and kill these young people? Who are these young people? If you don't give everyone an explanation for today's matter, you, the head of the family, don't need to sit on it!"

As soon as Zi Xun heard Zi Changde's words, he became even angrier, and his voice rose, "Elder Zi, I know you lost a grandson, and I feel unhappy, but I have lost three precious daughters..."

"Do you think I feel better in my heart? As for who is responsible, these can be investigated later, but shouldn't we find a way to avenge these twenty children first?"

Some people whose children died also began to yell unjustly, "Yes, we want revenge! Even if I risk my old life, I will avenge my son!"

"Yes! Revenge! Revenge! Revenge!"

Zi Xun felt very proud when he heard the cries of these people, let me see what methods you old guys are going to use to stop these people from taking revenge?
Zi Changde looked at these ignorant clansmen who were screaming desperately. Although he understood their grief of losing their children, he hated them even more for being irrational and being used as gunmen without knowing it.

Zi Changde concentrated the power of the fairy, and shouted at everyone, "Shut up!"

All the Zi family members felt shocked for a moment, and all of them shut their mouths immediately.

Zi Changde swept his eyes sharply at the crowd, and asked in a deep voice, "Didn't you see the scene just now? It was our Zi family who sneakily brought fairy beasts to surround and kill others, but in the end, they were killed by others." Clean and clean! I just want to ask you, can our Zi family stand up for a word in this matter?"

The Zi family members were all silent.

But Zi Xun said very dissatisfied, "Grand Elder, so many people died in our Zi family, so let's just forget it? We just swallowed such a big mouthful of resentment?"

Zi Changde turned his head to look at Zi Xun, and asked with a dark face, "Zi Xun, since you asked this, then, I will ask you a few questions first, first, this time you mobilized so many family elite disciples to go out , why didn't you say hello to us elders?"

"Second, this time, why did your three daughters lead them out to besiege others? In this matter, is your family using the power of the family to avenge their personal revenge?"

"Third, what is the origin of the family you besieged? Please, the head of the family, explain these three questions to our elders first!"

"If our Zi family has reason and evidence, our elders will naturally fully support you to take revenge, and we will never give up! But if our Zi family is unreasonable, then we have to weigh it again. The result of going to revenge is yes It's not something we can afford, do you want to blindly rush forward to take revenge, and then be slaughtered like these twenty people, and let our Zi family completely perish in the fairy world?"

Zi Changde's words made everyone in the Zi family wake up instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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