Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1278 All the family members are idiots!

Chapter 1278 The family is all idiots!

Another elder also said in a deep voice, "The Great Elder is right. What is the reason for this incident to become so serious? Please give us an explanation!"

"That's right! Patriarch, please give us an explanation!"

"Patriarch, please give us an explanation!"

"Patriarch, please give us an explanation!"

Zi Xun, the Patriarch of the Zi family, saw that everyone was asking him to explain now, his face turned black instantly, and he gritted his teeth secretly hating the chief elder for being troublesome.

But it was impossible for him to remain silent about this matter, and many Zi family members did not allow him to remain silent.

Zi Xun thought about it, and immediately decided to push this fault on his dead eldest daughter, Fairy Ziyun.

Anyway, she is dead too, there is no proof of death!

He can also pick himself up.

After thinking it through, Zi Xun said innocently to Zi Changde, other elders, and the Zi family, "This matter is due to my lack of leadership as a parent. Zi Yun told me before, Several of our buddies in Xianmei Pavilion and Ziwu were bullied and seriously injured. I believe everyone knows about this. After that, Ziyun said that he would transfer some disciples out to seek justice for Ziwu .”

"In order to protect the face of the family and the safety of the disciples, something like this has happened before. I thought it was not a big deal, so I agreed directly without saying hello to the elders. This is my fault. I admit it! I never thought that things would turn out like this, if I knew, I would definitely stop Ziyun and the others!"

Zi Changde looked at Zi Xun, who was pretending to be innocent, and sneered in his heart, and he continued to press, "Okay, Patriarch Zi explained the first question, then, Patriarch Zi, please explain the second and third questions! "

Seeing Zi Changde's aggression, Zi Xun really wanted to go forward and bite this old man to death!

Every time he wants to do something important, this old man will always hinder him from doing things smoothly. When he passes today's hurdle, he must find a chance to kill him!

But he knew that if he couldn't convince the Zi family this time, no one would listen to him, the head of the Zi family, let alone obey him.

Zi Xun scolded her with hatred in her heart, but on the surface she replied in a calm voice, "The second question, as I have said before, is that several buddies of Xianmei Pavilion were severely injured together with Zi Wu, in order to protect the family Out of face, the reason Ziyun was allowed to transfer his disciples out was not for our personal enmity."

"The third question is that the family's surname is Xiao, and they just came to the Immortal Realm. The information we investigated before is nothing special, so Ziyun dared to send someone to take action."

Of course he had to say that. If they knew that Si Kouyao's background was so strong, but they still felt that they were safe, and dared to fight against them, making it clear that they were sending family disciples to die, wouldn't that mean that he, the patriarch, and Ziyun The fairies and their sisters are all self-righteous idiots?

And the facts have proved that their family is an idiot!

But Zi Xun would never admit this.

Others may believe Zi Xun's explanation, but Zi Changde will not.

He sharply raised another question, "If the other party is just a person who has just entered the fairy world and has no background, you can send out a few family disciples at will, why do you need to send out [-] elite disciples, and bring the family to support them?" Where are the ten fairy beasts?"

(End of this chapter)

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