Chapter 1279 Who is afraid of whom?

Zi Xun was a little embarrassed by Zi Changde's forced questioning, and hated him even more in his heart, and greeted Zi Changde's family all over the place.

But on the surface, he still said with an innocent face, "Grand Elder, I really didn't know about this! I gave Ziyun the Patriarch's token at that time. So many people are going out, if I know, I will definitely discourage them!"

Zi Changde snorted coldly, "I see, you don't know, you are bold and self-righteous, thinking that the Zi family is invincible, don't you?"

Zi Xun quickly waved his hands, and said humbly again and again, "No, no, the Great Elder, don't wrong Zi Xun, Zi Xun doesn't dare to think that the Zi family is invincible in the world, really dare not, really dare not..."

At this moment, suddenly a gatekeeper family disciple hurriedly ran in to report, "Report to the Great Elder and the Patriarch, the immortal officials from the Immortal Palace are here, please go out and greet the Grand Elder and the Patriarch!"

The Great Elder Zi Changde narrowed his eyes, and the Immortal Palace sent an edict to the immortal official, what is the so-called matter?
And Zi Xun felt bad in his heart!

Could it be that after that bitch woman led someone to kill the people from the Zi family, this good Immortal Emperor was going to escort that bitch woman?Is there such a cheap thing in this world?

With a serious expression on his face, Zi Xun walked out behind the Great Elder.

Tie Gang, the immortal official who passed the decree, stood at the gate of Zi's house with his hands behind his back, with a serious face, waiting for them to come out.

When he saw Zi Xun and the Great Elder coming out, Tie Gang greeted them, and said to them in a deep voice, "According to His Majesty, please invite the elders of the Zi family and the head of the Zi family to enter the palace immediately!"

Zi Xun hurriedly asked, "Dare to ask Mr. Tie, what is the important thing for His Majesty to invite me into the palace?"

But Tie Gang said directly, "The lower official is only sending a message according to the order. I don't know what's going on. I also invite the Great Elder, Patriarch Zi, and several other elders to enter the palace quickly! The lower official will return to the palace first to return to his order, and leave!"

After finishing speaking, Tie Gang and several heavenly soldiers rode on the heavenly horses and flew towards the fairy palace.

Zi Changde glanced at Zi Xun, and said to the other Zi family elders, "Let's go! Let's go to the palace to see the situation!"

The elders of the Zi family had no objection, each summoned their own aircraft and flew towards the fairy palace.

Seeing this situation, Zi Xun hurriedly took off with his sword and followed behind them.

In his heart, he made a serious note of Zi Changde's attitude of disrespecting him as the patriarch just now.

His desire to kill Zi Changde also became stronger.

When the Zi family arrived at the Immortal Palace, they were directly led into the Golden Luan Hall by the Immortal Attendant.

As soon as they entered the Golden Luan Hall, they saw that apart from Leng Qingjue sitting on the top, there was also the famous Feiyu Shangxian sitting on the bottom left.

Next to Shangxian Feiyu, there was also a stunning fairy who the elders of the Zi family felt was born, and a fairy with a cold face and a high level of cultivation.

When they saw this cold-faced fairy, all the people in the Zi family felt cold and angry in an instant.

Especially Zi Xun, he can't wait to pounce on this man and tear this man to pieces.

Isn't this man the deadly madman who wielded a fairy sword and killed several lives in their Zi family?
It was not Si Kou Yao and Xiao Chifeng's original intention to come here today.

To follow their original intention, that is, how many come, how many kills, who is afraid of whom!

(End of this chapter)

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