Chapter 1284 Undead 1
What is the most feared thing when the two armies confront each other?
What I fear most is the lack of morale!
The most fearful thing is that morale will be fatally hit!

What I am most afraid of is that I have lost my momentum before fighting!
Today's Zi family has fallen into such an embarrassing situation.

They originally thought that with Immortal Ma Huaguang, one of the four marshals of Asgard Palace, and Immortal Jinhua, and two ancestors coming out to support the situation, their Zi family would definitely win this battle and regain what they lost. face.

But now...

The truth is far beyond their imagination.

This Si Kou Yao actually has so many big bosses in the fairy world supporting her, even if their Zi family wins this battle today, I am afraid that their life will not be easy in the future.

If they lose, the face of the Zi family will be even more ugly, and they will be completely reduced to the laughing stock of the fairy world.

Zi Changde already had some regrets at this time, if he had known this earlier, they would have simply confessed that they were in the Immortal Palace that day, and they didn't have to be like now, it was difficult to advance, and it was also difficult to retreat, making it difficult to get off.

But things have developed to this point, they are no longer allowed to retreat, even if they bite the bullet, they have to rush forward.

As for Zi Xun, he thought more.

What he thinks now is that his three precious daughters who once made him look good all died in the hands of the Xiao family. In this battle, even if he died, he would have to ruthlessly tear off the Xiao family. He is only willing to accept a piece of meat!

Zi Xun looked at the Xiao family's eyes as if they were poisoned. If his eyes could kill people, Si Kou Yao and Xiao Chifeng would have died thousands of times!

The Immortal Emperor arrived at the scene coldly, and directly called the Patriarchs and main characters of the Zi and Xiao families to his face.

He didn't go around in circles, and asked them directly, "This battle, did you choose a life-and-death battle? Or is it just a matter of time?"

Before Si Kouyao could answer, Zi Xun spoke viciously, "Of course it's a battle of life and death! Never die!"

Leng Qingjue frowned, and stared coldly at Zi Changde, "Elder Zi, what do you elders think? Do you also have to live forever?"

Zi Changde immediately replied, "No, no, no! Your Majesty, I think it's enough to stop as soon as possible. Everyone's practice is not easy, so we just need to learn from each other."

Zi Xun glared at Zi Changde angrily, trying to stop him, "Grand Elder, you..."

Zi Changde turned his head and growled at him, "Shut up! Don't you think things are not messy enough?"

The desolate look finally calmed down, and he said lightly, "Elder Zi, you are very wise! But, your Zi family should also change to a new head!"

Hearing Leng Qingjue's words, Zi Xun's face instantly swelled into scarlet, and the hatred in his eyes was like a river surging to the sky.

He now feels that everyone in the fairy world is full of malice towards him.

He felt that everyone in the fairy world was against him.

A blood-thirsty thought of wanting to kill frantically formed a terrible spell in his heart.

Both Leng Qingjue and Si Kou Yao felt the changes in Zi Xun.

But they don't care!

The more Zi Xun behaves like this, the faster he will die!
As a referee, Leng Qingjue asked the two parties to sign an agreement and a letter of guarantee.

Then, he said to the Zixiao family, "It's time to start."

Zi Xun immediately said to Zi Changde, "Elder Zi, this is the first battle, I will go first!"

Zi Changde looked at him with some dissatisfaction, "Zi Xun, you are the head of the Zi family, how can you go first?"

Zi Xun ignored Zi Changde, looked at Si Kou Yao with pity, and pointed at her, "Si Kou Yao, I want to challenge you! Do you dare to fight?"

(End of this chapter)

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