Chapter 1285 Undead 2
Si Kouyao smiled softly, "How can I not reward Zi Patriarch for such a face, I am so happy! Zi Patriarch, please!"

Zi Xun gave her a gloomy look, then quickly teleported to the high platform of the martial arts arena, looking down at Si Kou Yao condescendingly, as if he was the emperor.

But I don't know how ridiculous it is in the eyes of the real bosses in the fairy world to pretend that he is pretending to be a fork!
Si Kou Yao was about to go on stage to fight, but the three men Si Kou Yu, Leng Qingjue and Xiao Chi Feng all told her in unison, "Yaoer, be careful!"

Xiao Fan Tuan'er and the three Xiao family brothers also gathered around and said to her nervously, "Mommy, be careful!"

Si Kou Yao smiled at them, "I will be careful, you don't have to worry!"

After speaking, she also teleported to the high platform of the martial arts arena.

Zi Xun is the late stage of Daluo Jinxian.

Si Kou Yao is also a late Da Luo Jinxian.

The cultivation levels of the two are similar, and Zi Xun's direct challenge to Si Kou Yao, who is at the same level, does not violate the previous agreement signed by the two.

The two stood on the high platform, their eyes collided...

A face was cold and sharp, like a sharp knife out of its sheath.

One is as delicate and beautiful as a flower, bright and moving.

Obviously none of them spoke, but the immortals watching the battle felt that there was an undercurrent surging on the stage...

Facing Zi Xun's cold gaze like a poisonous snake, Si Kouyao was not afraid at all, and remained as calm as water and steady as a mountain.

No matter how murderous you are, I will stand still!

In the end, when the two looked at each other, Zi Xun was the first to lose.

A cold evil smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he spoke first, "I won't show mercy!"

Si Kou Yao smiled faintly, "You can do whatever you want! I will accompany you to the end!"

Zi Xun couldn't understand Si Kouyao's calm and calm appearance, and couldn't help but snorted, "Very good! Then accept the move!"

Zi Xun had already suffocated enough, at this moment, he couldn't control it anymore, he punched straight at Si Kou Yao.

Feeling a wave of destructive energy coming towards her, Si Kou Yao also moved her figure in an instant, avoiding Zi Xun's move as fast as lightning.

Before she could stand still, Zi Xun's next punch followed closely.

This time, Si Kouyao didn't dodge any more, she just clenched her fist and slammed towards Zi Xun so fiercely.

Everyone watching the battle under the high platform stared wide-eyed.

Someone exclaimed, "My God! Fairy Yaoyao is going to confront the Patriarch of the Zi family! She is too strong!"

"It's over, it's over, isn't the fairy stupid?"


The power of the two Da Luo Jinxians collided together, like a thunder explosion, and the entire high platform was shaken.

Fortunately, before the two of them fought, an enchantment had been set up around the high platform.

Otherwise, the energy waves from the collision of the two big Luo Jinxians will be emitted, and it is unknown how many innocent people in the audience will be hurt.

Everyone watching the battle thought they would see Si Kou Yao being beaten into the air, and some of them couldn't bear to close their eyes.


But Si Kouyao was unscathed and didn't even move her body.

However, Zi Xun was sent flying by Si Kouyao, bumped straight into the barrier, and fell hard to the ground.

This result shocked not only everyone who watched the battle!
Even the Zi family, especially Zi Xun, couldn't believe this result at all!

The opponent at the same level, Si Kou Yao, even the head of the big family, Zi Xun, was blown away with a single punch!

It's just too unbelievable! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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