Chapter 1286 Undead 3
The fans in the audience clapped their hands excitedly and shouted loudly, "Mommy, come on! Mommy, come on! Mommy, come on!"

The Zi family in the audience all tightened their hearts.

Before, their morale was hit by those big bosses in the fairy world who supported Si Kou Yao, and their fighting spirit faded.

Seeing Zi Xun's unfavorable start again now, he felt even more uneasy.

Zi Changde also clenched his fists, and the uneasiness in his heart became more and more serious.

Although he doesn't like Zi Xun, but seeing him lose, there is also a kind of sadness and heartache like the death of a rabbit and the death of a fox, with cold lips and teeth.

As for Immortal Huaguang and Immortal Jinhua, one of the Four Great Marshals, their eyes widened in shock when they saw their father-in-law was punched away by a seemingly weak woman.

Their father-in-law is already several hundred years old, and it has been two or three hundred years since he entered the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

Moreover, he is an aborigine born and raised in the fairy world!

But what about this woman?

She has just entered the fairyland not long ago.

Her bone age is only in her 30s!

A Da Luo Jinxian who is only in her 30s, and she is still a woman, actually punches a Da Luo Jinxian who is hundreds of years old with one punch, she is really a genius!It's really shocking!

They don't know that Si Kouyao's physical body is strong because she has a golden body of merit that even the immortal emperor can't break through the defense!

What's more, there is an old Jiao hidden in her space!In addition, there is a more powerful system Elf Xiaoxiao!
Once her energy is not enough, they can all transmit power to her in the space.

Not to mention a mere Da Luo Jinxian, even if the opponent is a fairy, she still has the strength to fight to the end!

As the party concerned, Zi Xun was even more ashamed and angry.

He quickly jumped up from the ground, stretched out his hand to wipe away the blood flowing from the corner of his lips, and looked at Si Kou Yao with colder, sharper, blood-thirsty eyes.

He laughed back in anger, and actually praised Si Kou Yao, "You are very good!"

Si Kou Yao showed him a bright smile that made Zi Xun feel dazzling, "You are also very good!"

Her words sounded like praise, but Zi Xun heard her insinuation, and was so angry that he almost spurted blood again.

He forcibly suppressed the old blood welling up in his throat.

Afterwards, he quickly summoned his natal immortal sword and slashed straight at Si Kou Yao.

Si Kouyao, who had been prepared for a long time, also summoned the Jinghong Immortal Sword, and went to meet him again.

When the two swords collided, sparks flew everywhere...

The seven-colored energy waves emitted by the Jinghong Immortal Sword rippling outwards circle after circle, shaking the enchantment continuously...

This time was no exception. After the two swords collided, Zi Xun was sent flying again.

He felt as if his arm was broken, and there was a big hole in the tiger's mouth, bleeding continuously...

Si Kouyao looked at him with a trace of pity, and said softly, "Patriarch Zi, I will give you a chance to admit defeat!"

Zi Xun, however, seemed to be humiliated, and yelled at her, "Shut up! You bitch! Even if I die, I will never admit defeat to you!"

When he said this, everyone in the audience was in an uproar.

"What's the matter with this Patriarch Zi? Even if his skills are inferior to others, and he becomes angry from embarrassment, he shouldn't curse like this, right?"

"What a useless man! I can't beat him, and even scolds them fairies. I think he is the bitch himself! The worst bitch!"

The members of Zi's family also felt that Zi Xun was too embarrassed when they heard the scolding from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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